
from http://esoteric.voxelperfect.net/files/fyb/

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Description & Specifications

FukYorBrane is a cross between BrainFuck and CoreWars. Basically, you have two FYB programs running simultaneusly. The data buffer for each of them is the opponent's program buffer. The objective is to cause the opponent's program to quit with a "bomb." The changes you make to the opponent's program buffer must be committed (see !) before they will have an effect. Comments can be put into the program either the same way as BF (anything that isn't a command is a comment) and/or by surrounding comments in (). The advantage of () is that the comments can contain ., ,, :, ;, etc.

The program buffers will always be of the same length - if one is shorter, it will be padded at the end with nops (see %). When a program pointer reaches the end of a program, it simply goes back to the beginning.

There are 17 commands in FukYorBrane:

`%` |     0 | nop, does nothing
`+` |     1 | increments the current value in the opponent's program buffer, looping if necessary
`<` |     2 | moves the data pointer to the left (*not* looping, if it goes below 0, it stays at 0)
`>` |     3 | moves the data pointer to the right (looping if necessary)
`,` |     4 | reserved but has no effect
`.` |     5 | reserved but has no effect
`!` |     6 | commit the current value to the opponent's active program buffer
`?` |     7 | uncommit the current value (replace the current value with the value in the original program)
`[` |     8 | start a brainfuck-style loop (loop while the value at the current location in the opponent's program buffer is not nop)
`]` |     9 | end of a `[` loop
`{` |    10 | loop while the opponent does not have a program pointer at the current location
`}` |    11 | end of a `}` loop
`:` |    12 | start a thread.  The parent thread will skip over the matching `;`, the child will loop between this and the matching `;`<br>*NOTE:* any given `:` will only fork once, then it's spent
`;` |    13 | end of a `;` loop
N/A |    14 | **BOMB!**  This is an important one.  If *any* program pointer (even if you have several from threading) hits this, you lose!<br>*NOTE:* You cannot set a bomb in your own program, so it doesn't have a character.
`*` |    15 | exit - end the current thread.  If you're not in the topmost thread, you can only exit at the very end of a thread: `:......*;`<br>*NOTE:* If the current thread is the only thread, you lose!
`@` |    16 | defect: instead of editing the opponent's program buffer, this thread will edit your own.  You can later defect back.<br>*NOTE:* If you commit a defect, *you defect* (this is to try to prevent pure manglers from being effective)

Notes on special behavior

  • If a closing loop is found with no matching opening loop it will not only "ignore" the instruction but "stumble", that is, ignore the next instruction, too! This can be quite important for the game.
    The reasonign behind this could have been for making sure programs run better when changed runtime, ie. at least terminate. It also could've just been a programming error.
    NOTE: this "feature" might be removed in a future, "API-breaking" version of the program.

Simple Stragegy

One of the most simple FukYorBrane programs is:


This very simply:

  • {>}: tries to find the opponent's program pointer
  • [+]: blanks the value where you found it (as in BrainFuck, but looping values)
  • +++++++++++++!: sets the value there to 14 (bomb)

This simple program isn't very effective, as it has tight loops. Tight loops are generally best avoided, because of how bombs are usually placed. If the enemy finds you and places a bomb, and you're in a tight loop, you'll hit the bomb long before you can do something about the enemy.

A slightly more complex FukYorBrane program:


Let's break this down:

  • >}: This is the same as before (and still a tight loop, which is bad).
  • [+[+[+[+[+[+[+[+[+[+[+[+[+[+[+]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]:This is one way to zero a value without a tight loop
  • +++++++++++++!: set the bomb
  • >: since we already have a bomb here, go on
  • %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%...: by setting a lot of nops, we make the :; loop less tight
  • :@[>+++]!;: this is a simple bomb finding algorithm:
    • it defects,
    • then loops,
    • nop'ing any bombs
    • and committing if they were a bomb

Because you can defect, you can have a self-replicating program. But that's up to future hackers to produce ;)

Program Styles

Gregor has only written two major styles of programs:

  • Manglers and
  • Seekers.

Of Manglers, there are several subtypes:

  • Pure mangler: All this does is destroy code with no attempt at any logic. Very quick. It's also the shortest code: +!>
  • Logic mangler: Usually look for loops, disable loop beginnings or ends. That way, program pointers fly through the entire program, so you can bomb anywhere.

Seekers basically seek out program pointers ({>}), then try to bomb where the program pointer was, since the pointer is likely to come back to the same point. Easily catchable with a false thread.


It is worth mentioning how many ticks different loop styles take.

If you have a loop of the style [A]B (where A and B are sections of code)
It will run like so (where every character that isn't A or B is a tick):


If you have a loop of the style {A}B
It will run like so


However, if you have a loop of the style A:B;C
It will run like so


Important to note is that while [ and { will take a tick every loop, : will take a tick only on the first loop.

Where loops are unmatched, any applicable jump will be skipped. That is, in a situation like [A[B], where the [ before A doesn't have a match, if it hit that [ and decided to jump, it would not.
It would run like this:


in either situation.
The situation is similar for ending brackets. This: [A]B]C, would run like this:


If you produce a : somewhere where one has already existed, it's "spent" status will be maintained. That is, if one program did this: :A;B, and later, the second program turned that into %A;B, then yet later, the second program turned it back into :A;B. The : before the A would still be spent, and would not fork again. If a : is produced somewhere where there was not one before, it defaults to unspent.

Building & Running

Building for ...

  • Linux:
    Run GNU Make in the root directory of the project. Required tools:
    • GNU Make (if you want to use the Makefile)
    • GCC/Clang (any C99-compatible compiler should do)
    • GLibC (any C99-Std C lib should do, too)
  • OS X:
    See instructions for Linux. If you have not set up developer tools yet, it will prompt you to install these.
  • Windows:
    There are three ways of compiling for Windows:
    • cross-compiling on Linux: Install the MinGW toolchain for the distro of your choice and in the first few lines of the Makefile edit the CC-variable as needed, eg.
      CC = x86_64-w64-mingw32-cc
      Now Run $ make clean && make WIN=1
    • Installing MinGW on a Windows machine, adding the compiler to your %PATH%-variable and editing CC to match your needs.
    • Import the fukyorbrane.c into Visual Studio and compile it with the C++ compiler. The MS Visual C compiler does not support many modern C features we use.
      The most easy way to compile in "C++ -Mode" is to rename the file to fukyorbrane.cc -- this however will link against VSC++RT and not against the VSCRT.


To run program1.fyb against program2.fyb:
$ fukyorbrane [program1.fyb] [program2.fyb] [v/t]

  • first, second param: the FukYorBrane programs
  • v: Output 'verbose' board, ie. complete source-code and program-/data-pointers each round.
  • t: Output turn number

Licensing and original authorship

The original code for FukYorBrane was retrieved from Voxelperfect, it is licensed under the MIT License.