The pre-trained model and testing code of paper "Deep Extraction of Manga Structural Lines"
- abcp4
- aghanbarPurdue University
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- jeremydouglassU. California Santa Barbara
- JianchaoTanGeorge Mason University, CS Department
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- MarkMoHRPostdoc @HKUST (GZ); Ph.D @SYSU
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- oneplus1000Thailand
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- realchiu
- shaohan0228
- Shiki-H
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- TheSouthFrogCUHK
- ToBi-Sun
- Uchanka
- VincentqywTHU
- wbhuCUHK
- xiehaoCommunication University of Zhejiang
- xulihangDynamsoft
- yczhang77
- yinweizhuzhu
- zoglunMoegirlpedia