Entirely motivated by the paper Underspecification Presents Challenges for Credibility in Modern Machine Learning and bringing these concerns closer to production, the curiousity here is to explore some of the existing tooling to monitor models in production to detect and log:
- concept drift
- stress test and other evalution
- fairness and bias
- out of distribution Detection, concept drift detection using Alibi or AIF360
- Logging with KNative, Istio, Prometheus and Grafana
In order to get more familiar with KFServing, we will attempt to perform this monitoring, logging and evaluation with this tooling.
For now, we have a simple codebase to support model development and deployment to KFServing. First goals:
- choose a model that is susceptible to underspecification
- propose method to alleviate bias and underspecification
- Use KFServing to serve model and 'pretend' this is production
- Eventually log metrics for production grade monitoring
First, create a virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 .mapi
activate with
source .mapi/bin/activate
install the package in editable mode:
pip install -e .
and build a ipython kernel if you want to use jupyter notebook:
ipython kernel install --name "mapi" --user
Feel free to build a Dockerfile to suppor this project. Keep these things in mind.