
A formalization of PAL+modal logic S5 in Lean, as an experiment to formalize logic systems in proof assistant

Primary LanguageLeanMIT LicenseMIT

Formalization of PAL

We present a formalization of PAL+modal logic S5 in Lean, as an experiment to formalize logic systems in proof assistant. Intuitively speaking, PAL extends modal logic S5 with public announce ment modality [!φ]ψ, that means that after φ is announced, ψ is true.

This formalization contains two parts.

  • Recursion Theorem for PAL. Any PAL sentence can be translated to a sentence without public announce modality.
  • Completeness of S5. Any tautology of S5 can be proved through our Hilbert-style system.

File Structure

Main Result

In src/pal/ we present our formalization of PAL.

  • basics.lean contains definition of syntax and semantics of PAL.
  • proof.lean contains a sound and complete proof system for modal logic S5 (without public announcement modality), and an automatic proof check meta-algorithm.
  • dynamic.lean contains a proof of Recursion Theorem for PAL.
  • soundness.lean verifies that the proof system for S5 is sound.
  • lemmas.lean contains lemmas about proof system and semantics for completeness proof.
  • henkin_model contains the main part of the completeness proof, which shows that (1) we can extend a consistent set to a maximal consistent set and (2) all maximal consistent sets form a proper model.
  • completeness.lean proves the completeness theorem via the construction above.

Propositional Logic

In src/propositional we present our formalization of propositional logic, which is only for experiment. Our completeness proof for propositional logic is much more robust: it does not require any property of the type of atomic propositions (i.e. the proof holds even if there are uncountably many atomic propositions).

  • basics.lean defines the syntax, semantics and proof system for propositional logic.
  • thms.lean contains basic results about proof systems and semantics.
  • soundness.lean verifies the soundness of proof system.
  • used_formula.lean provides a procedure to collect all sub-formalas of a set of formula.
  • complete_extension.lean provides a way to extend a consistent set to a maximal one.
  • completeness.lean proves the completeness theorem via the construction above.


The entire proof is type-checked with Lean 3.20. If mathlib is not globally installed, one may need to run leanproject add-mathlib to compile this proof.