
Add, change, delete books from db


Demo Book List Test application has two separate screens: Dashboard, Add a Book.

Dashboard. Layout Main part of this screen is a table with columns: Book title; Author name; Category; ISBN; column “Actions” - which should have 2 buttons “Edit”, “Delete”. Also somewhere in the page should be a link to the “Add a Book” page. Dashboard. Functionality Table. Retrieve data from a backend and display it as a table row. Click on the “Edit” button - should redirect users to the edit page (layout and functionality are the same as we have for “Add a book” screen, but with pre populated inputs and correct texts). On submit - update record in DB, show success message and redirect to Dashboard with updated table list. Click on the “Delete” button - remove ticket from DB and table list. Add a Book. Layout Page has a form with fields (inputs): Book title - text, required; Author name - text, required; Category - select (add few dummy options), required; International Standard Book Number (ISBN) - number, required; Submit button “Add a Book” Also somewhere in the page should be a link to the “Dashboard” page. On submit - create record in DB, show success message and redirect to Dashboard with updated table list. Add a Book. Functionality Each field (input) requires validation. Users are not able to add a book with empty fields, show warning alert and highlight empty fields. On submit - form data should be stored to a fake backend and record should appear in the table list.

Back-end technical limits: use fake REST API ( for CRUD operations; Front-end technical limits: use hooks or/and custom hooks (where necessary); use Typescript (optional, but will be a plus), use only functional components; usage of Context API is welcome; use any type of CSS frameworks (usage of preprocessor is welcome). UI requirements: eye friendly design; responsive layout (min 320px) Additional: Create a public repository on GitHub with the final code; Add instructions how to run application locally; Share a repo link with us; Try to minimize using third party packages;