
Project made for course TDDD17 at Linköping Universitet.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How to run

The first thing to do is the create an app at Twitter so you get the four API-keys that are needed to talk to the Twitter API. You can create these keys at here. The keys needs to be added to a file called .env in the backend directory. You need to save them as specific names, these names can be found in the index.js file inside backend/src/api.

This project runs using docker containers, the easiest way to run it is to run the docker-compose file at the top. It will setup everything for you. You can use docker-compose up the first time at the top level of the project.

After this is done, you need to enter the backend-container and run the command: sequelize db:migrate to setup the database. When this is done you can start to examine tweets live.

The frontend can be accessed at http://localhost:3000.

How to use


Enter any tweet ID into the searchbar at the top. The tweet ID is the long number at the end of the url when clicking on any tweet on twitter.


To use subscribe you click in the checkmark next to the searchbar and in the searchbar you enter the screen-name of any user. This is the name in the url when you visit a user on twitter. The subscribe feature will start collecting data on that users next tweet.