
Prototype scripts that are easy to edit variables for different outputs. Example searches one crawl for all .co.uk websites geolocated by postcode to the Bristol area.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Prototype scripts that are easy to edit variables for different outputs. Example searches one crawl for all .co.uk websites geolocated by postcode to the Bristol area.

Crawl used in prototype: 2023-50 (Dec 2023)



Takes the ONS postcode lookup: https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/ons::national-statistics-postcode-lookup-2021-census-august-2023/about and filters this to a subset of postcodes of interest. This is not stored in the github repo due to file size, but you can download it from teh above link if needed. BristolPCfilter.ipynb filters out the postcodes associated with Bristol for this prototype. Output file is called BristolPostcodeLookup.csv and is used in the next step. laua=='E06000023'is the Bristol Local Authority (https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/reports/localarea?compare=E06000023). The file BristolPostcodeLookup.csv is copied into the bashChunking folder where it is used.


Running bashScript1toRun.sh requires wet.paths for the crawl of interested downloaded from: https://commoncrawl.org/overview to be present in the folder, the script read_wet.py and postcodeLookup.csv to be in the folder. bashScript1toRun.sh creates a specified number of folders, copies the 3 aforementioned files into each folder, creates a bash file in each folder, and runs each of these bash scripts. Across the $c$ folders are $n$ csv files of data. Bash scripts are written for slurm.


Put $n$ outputs across $c$ files into one csv file, to df202350.csv, by running CombineOutputs.sh on the HPC.

  • CombineOutputs_v1 doesn't work quite right, so use v2. v2 is the code in the CodeToReproduce Folder.

HOW TO REPRODUCE. Uses only the code that is in CodeToReproduce folder - this is manually copied in

----CodeToReproduce is one folder with bashChunking and CombineOutputs scripts and files all in one place, so the user just copies one folder and runs stuff----

  • Copy this repo into a workspace, e.g. HPC, which has enough RAM to run things and go into folder CodeToReproduce OR just copy the folder CodeToReproduce and be inside this folder.
  • Edit lines 7 and 17 in bashScript1toRun.sh to be your account.
  • Check line 10 in bashScript1toRun.sh is the crawl you are interested in.
  • Check line 12 (where $n$ is specified) matches the number of wet files in the crawl you are interested in.
  • If you change the crawl, you will also need to download the correct corresponding wet.paths file and copy this into the folder and remove the old wet.paths file. The one currently in there corresponds to the 202350 crawl. Just changing line 10 will NOT change the data you download and look at, just the file naming.
  • Check line 15 (where $c$, the number of chunks, is specified) suits your requirements, and that $n/c$ is an integer.
  • Run bashScript1toRun.sh (files: 'wet.paths, read_wet.py, and BristolPostcodeLookup.csv must be present in the folder).
sbatch bashScript1toRun.sh
  • This will run one job, then it will create $c$ further jobs. Once these are all complete, run
sbatch CombineOutputs.sh

This will put all the $n$ csv files into one csv file called: dfYYYYWW.csv (where YYYYWW represents the crawl date. YYYYWW=203050 for the example code).

  • I am not sure if/where to store the file for access to df202350.csv (it is 2.5GB in size).