
Automatic administration interface for the Google Appengine Datastore

Primary LanguagePython

App Engine Datastore Admin

appengine_admin is a flexible datastore admin for app engine. MIT licensed.

This is a fork from the original mirror that is now different enough to justify not being an official fork :)

Getting Started

  1. Download this repository's source and copy the appengine_admin/ folder at the root of your App Engine project directory.

  2. Install gae_paginator and gae_csrf and configure their settings:

     import appengine_admin
     appengine_admin.admin_settings.PAGINATOR_PATH = 'path.to.paginator.Paginator'
     appengine_admin.admin_settings.CSRF_HANDLER_PATH = 'path.to.gae_csrf.handlers.CSRFRequestHandler'
  3. Update your app.yaml to add the URLs:

    - url: /appengine_admin_media
      static_dir: appengine_admin/media
    # Your custom handler goes here (see next step)
    - url: /admin/models.*
      script: handlers.admin.app
      secure: always
  4. Use it in your handlers (full working example):

    import appengine_admin
    from webapp2 import RequestHandler, WSGIApplication
    # Declare your models.
    from google.appengine.ext import db
    class Artist(db.Expando):
      name = db.StringProperty()
      birthday = db.DateTimeProperty()
    class Album(db.Expando):
      name = db.StringProperty()
      release_year = db.StringProperty(default='2012')
      price = db.IntegerProperty()
    class Song(db.Expando):
      title = db.StringProperty()
      genre = db.StringProperty()
      album = db.ReferenceProperty(Album)
      artist = db.ReferenceProperty(Artist)
    # Register the appengine admin models.
    class AdminSong(appengine_admin.ModelAdmin):
      model = Song
      list_fields = ['title', 'genre', 'album']
      readonly_fields = ['artist']
      paginate_on = ['title']
    appengine_admin.admin_settings.PAGINATOR_PATH = 'path.to.paginator.Paginator'
    app = WSGIApplication(
  5. To configure your settings, look at admin_settings.py

Custom settings below (TODO: move to separate doc).

ModelAdmin.pre_init, ModelAdmin.pre_save, ModelAdmin.post_save

Allow custom actions before initializing or saving the form, or after saving the form.


You can have a custom callback function to validate an individual field, example:

from django import forms

class AdminSong(ModelAdmin):
  # ...
  def clean_title(self):
    title = self.cleaned_data.get('title')
    # do something here
    if len(title) < 5:
      raise forms.ValidationError('Title too short, must be at least 5 characters.')
    return title
  custom_clean = {
    'title': clean_title,
  1. Remember to update your index.yaml for each model class you are paginating. If you're just paginating by key, this should work:

    - kind: Song
      - name: __key__
        direction: desc


TODO: add features

Most features are the ones listed on the now too-outdated-to-be-genuine-fork fork Appengine Admin project page.

There may be more to come.



  1. Why use it? To get a nice admin to manage your data on production. And because it's better than updating your data from the remote shell or the built-in datastore viewer. And because it's hopefully gonna get even better :)


See the Issues on GitHub for details. And help out!