

Primary LanguageGo


Just a blockchain, Nothing in particular.

1 How to use it 如何使用

// step1: 构建&运行
go build
// 我已经编译好了,你可以直接使用
// 先启动一个区块链节点,-server 表示用户控制区块链的http端口,-p2p 表示区块链数据相互传递所使用的tcp端口
./blockchain -server :10024 -p2p :12345     // 节点1
// 再起一个终端,建立一个区块链节点
./blockchain -server :10025 -p2p :12346     // 节点2
// step2: 加入一个临近peer,也就是将对另一个区块链节点和你连通,这样你们任何一方发布新的区块,双方都能完数据更新
// 比如说控制第一个节点,和节点2进行连通,注意把xxx.x.x.xx 替换成你想加入的目标节点的ip
curl -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"peer_addr":"xxx.x.x.xx:12346"}'
// step3: 查看区块链
// 查看节点1的区块链数据
curl -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"chain":true, "peer":true}'
// 获得的json为,目前只有一个我默认的创世区块
  "chain": {
    "chain": [
        "pv_hash": "0",
        "timestamp": 1521084679901628400,
        "data": "This is Genesis Block, Copyright Belong to Blockchain-CN",
        "index": 0,
        "nonce": 520,
        "hash": "0068aa0c6393b0d617fb7f297eeaa1bf857dae2371fe7be55321f71363bb7a5b"
// step4: 通过节点1发布一个区块
curl -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"name":"luda", "data":"first blockchain"}'
// step5: 查看区块链
// 查看节点1的区块链数据
curl -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"chain":true, "peer":true}'
// 查看节点2的区块链数据
curl -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"chain":true, "peer":true}'
// 获得的json为,两边得到的一摸一样,
// 提一下,只要你在任意节点发布数据,整个网络都会更新,这是基与p2p的广播
  "chain": {
    "chain": [
        "pv_hash": "0",
        "timestamp": 1521084679901628400,
        "data": "This is Genesis Block, Copyright Belong to Blockchain-CN",
        "index": 0,
        "nonce": 520,
        "hash": "0068aa0c6393b0d617fb7f297eeaa1bf857dae2371fe7be55321f71363bb7a5b"
        "pv_hash": "0068aa0c6393b0d617fb7f297eeaa1bf857dae2371fe7be55321f71363bb7a5b",
        "timestamp": 1521084685874480600,
        "data": "{\"account\":\"MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDWzESbJDsfzkYpMtFqKr266wNin3A9+Gz6KICuL6VxwkHISCdaaMZ3joRvv5L01ld8BDki80Wi75srINIuTy+aXhwa6uywLsFg6K9i0Drqimde7ny4ie3WNgBaOz2h0ZshQeMzgkOryJ0wL24EQ02BejtM/vPL0o1Pf73QoxwsVwIDAQAB\",\"cipher\":\"Pel+VgGy2tCem66lMjbQ2/hXSLR+jYJ3PMFt8C7xgdTeDQAar3jiQvV3lLjfvi4Hde4M/LGGlbzrV42OdeJnHHIkYp6gaEXf+c7tR2Jwbg9qm0mljjv6rT6A2nFYfmxbSoxgd5cyGdzJ2l6v3IwPpk34sSo12DcBlG+SGWYe5z0=\",\"transaction\":\"block 1\"}",
        "index": 1,
        "nonce": 2207,
        "hash": "00fb9507a21e2bdf64a5e773b1cf5e43d0c8caafe2e2ab240ccd0e5a6ea23ff1"

2.What's blockchain ?

I will only give you a one-minute introduction to my block system. if you want a further reading, read the following page and try it by a demo(their author really finished an outstanding job).

2.1 What's block ?

A block contains these data members. A block is legal when meet all the following conditions.

  • Hash = sha256(PVHash+Timestamp+Data+Index+Nonce)
  • Hash value meets the right difficulty.
// Block struct.
type Block struct {
	PVHash    string `json:"pv_hash"`
	Timestamp int64  `json:"timestamp"`
	Data      string `json:"data"`
	Index     int64  `json:"index"`
	Nonce     int64  `json:"nonce"`
	Hash      string `json:"hash"`


2.2 What's chain?

a blockchain just contains a lot of blocks

// TheChain BlockChain struct.
type TheChain struct {
	Chain []*Block `json:"chain"`

Chain means we organised these block like a list, PVHash data equals to the previous block's Hash data. image

2.3 How does your data transfer to the whole network?

In transport layer, blockchain system use the P2P network to spread your latest block to your peers, and after passing your peers' Validity test, peer will append it to their chain's tail, and spread it to their peers.

  • The complete transfer protocal.
  • How does peers do when they received a legal block and append to their chain's tail?
  • How does peers do when they received a legal block and it's index is longer than their chain?
  • How does peers do when they received a illegal block or it's index is shorter than their chain?

2.4 What's bit-coin ?

It's a protocol about the data form inside a block. and using RSA algorithm to guarantee your account's security.

2.5 How to crack or destroy it ?

  • In order to crack someone's account It's a same problem to creak RSA.
  • In order to crack a block You need to find an algorithm to generate a certain sha256 result, without brute force attacks。
  • In order to crack a blockchain As far as i knew, you need a longer blockchain. You publish the longer chain, and naturally all the network will trust you until there is a logger one appears.

3.General design

3.1 organization

main.go             // 入口
server              // 传输层入口 
	- http              // HTTP server to support remote operation
		- create            // create a block and spread it to all the peers
	    - join              // join a peer
	- command line      // TODO standard inputs to support local operation
handlers            // 函数入口层
	- http              // HTTP server to support remote operation
        - create            // create a block and spread it to all the peers
        - join              // join a peer
	- block             // block object
	- blockchain        // blockchain object
	- translaction      //transaction object
	- user              // user object
    - protocal          //blockchain spread protocal
    - singleton         // maintain the singleton
	- errno             // defined the error numbers
	- const             // defined const variables
    - create            // defined the data struct of input and output
    - join              // defined the data struct of input and output