
Using GANs, inverse propensity weighting, and heuristics to debias clinical summaries for treatment prediction

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


TLDR: We attempt to debias clinical summaries of race, and use these summaries as inputs for treatment prediction. Three methods are used: generative adversarial networks, inverse propensity weighting, and removing race as a predictor. Overall, the models achieve fair classification (i.e. demographic parity conditioned on severity score) but have low predictive power; it should be noted that baselines perform similarly poorly, and hence must be improved.

Check out the writeup here!

Exploratory Data Analysis

  • eda.ipynb: EDA to predict race from clinical notes using logistic regression & random forest, and to predict APSIII score from clinical notes using linear regression and random forest
  • eda_bert_train.py: Script to train BERT classifier/regressor to predict race/APSIII score
  • eda_bert_eval.py: Script to evaluate trained BERT classifier/regressor, calculates balanced accuracy/MSE metrics

Predicting using race

GAN de-biasing

  • gan_pretrain.py: Pretrains a t5-small model as an autoencoder (i.e. trains it to reproduce the input clinical note)
  • gan_train.py: Trains a GAN by using the t5-small encoder module as the generator, and an MLP as the discriminator
  • gan_eda: Notebook to examine produced embeddings, main finding is that the vectors for black and white patients are statistically similar to one another (using cosine similarity); however, there appears to be no difference by APSIII either (which is unintuitive)
  • gan_evaluate.ipynb: Notebook to train a classifier to predict treatment outcome

Reweighting using Inverse Propensity Weights

  • IPW.ipynb: Jupyter notebook containing the entire process of processing the data, training a BERT classifier that incorporates different weights depending on the patient's propensity, and evaluates its performance.

Removing race as a predictor

  • BERT_no_race_distinction.ipynb: Jupyter notebook containing the entire process of processing the data, training a BERT classifier that treats all patients as pertaining to the same race, and evaluates its performance.