A Python script to show where IP addresses are coming from by plotting them on a World map. Now compatible with Python3.
PyGeoIpMap can be installed along with its dependencies easily on Fedora Linux with the following command:
sudo dnf install python3-numpy python3-matplotlib python3-basemap python3-pygeoip
usage: pygeoipmap.py [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-f {ip,csv}] [-s {f,m}]
[-db DB] [--extents EXTENTS]
Visualize community on a map.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input file. One IP per line or, if FORMAT set to
'csv', CSV formatted file ending with latitude and
longitude positions
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Path to save the file (e.g. /tmp/output.png)
-a APIKEY, --apikey APIKEY
API-KEY from ipstack.com
-f {ip,csv}, --format {ip,csv}
Format of the input file.
-s {f,m}, --service {f,m}
Geolocation service (f=ipstack, m=MaxMind local
-db DB, --db DB Full path to MaxMind database file (default =
--extents W/E/S/N Spatial extents for the figure
(west/east/south/north). Defaults to global.
For use this service you need the API-KEY from https://ipstack.com/
A World map can be generated from a list of IP addresses by running the following command:
python3 pygeoipmap.py --apikey "YOUR-API-KEY" -i /tmp/ip.txt
The list of IP address must be saved to a text file with each IP address separated by a newline as shown below:
In that example above, the program will use data available from
FreeGeoIp to find the location of each IP address and generate a World map called output.png
Local MaxMind database files can be used with the MaxMind GeoIP2 library with the --service
python3 pygeoipmap.py -i /tmp/ip.txt --service m --db /path/to/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
You can download and unzip a copy of the latest MaxMind database as follows:
wget https://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-City.tar.gz && tar -xvf GeoLite2-City.tar.gz
python3 pygeoipmap.py -i /tmp/ip.txt --extents=-12/45/30/65 --output=ip.png
This limits the plot to Europe.
PyGeoIpMap can generate a World map without connecting to FreeGeoIp if the latitude and longitude data are available. A CSV file where the two last columns are the IP address' corresponding latitude and longitude values.
An example of a CSV file with each IP address' latitude and longitude values provided:, Dallas, United States, 32.9299, -96.8353, Hangzhou, China, 30.2936, 120.1614, Wayne, United States, 40.0548, -75.4083, Beijing, China, 39.9289, 116.3883, Shanghai, China, 31.0456, 121.3997, Xian, China, 34.2583, 108.9286, Los Angeles, United States, 34.053, -118.2642
The World map can be generated from the CSV file by running the following command:
python3 pygeoipmap.py -o /tmp/evil_hackers.jpg -f csv data.csv
PyGeoIpMap will output the World map /tmp/evil_hackers.jpg
as seen below.