
Using Intel DAAL on Spark

Primary LanguageJava


spark-daal is a set of Java wrappers for using Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel DAAL) on Spark. It integrates Intel DAAL's algorithms that are capable of distributed processing into the Spark environment. It also provides methods of converting between Spark MLlib's distributed data structures, such as JavaRDD<Vector> and RowMatrix, and the distributed data structures readily usable by Intel DAAL, such as JavaRDD<NumericTable>.

The primary purpose of this project is to serve as examples of how to use Intel DAAL on Spark. Users can take methods implemented here and use "as-is", or they can modify them to better fit their needs.


This project depends on:

  • Apache Spark Core (version 1.5.0)
  • Apache Spark MLlib (version 2.10)
  • Apache Commons-Lang (version 3.4)
  • Intel DAAL (version 2016 and above)

To build the project, we need Apache Maven (version 3.3 and above).

Build and Install

  • Edit pom.xml to set the correct path for daal.jar on the build system. For example, if DAAL installation place is "/opt/intel/daal", then the pom.xml should contain:
  • Build with this command:
 mvn clean package -DskipTests

Two JAR files are produced, spark-daal-1.0.jar (the wrapper library) and spark-daal-1.0-tests.jar (tests).

Run the Tests

A simple runtest.sh script is provided to easily run tests included. This script invokes spark-submit to submit jobs to a Spark cluster. Users will need to edit the script to set a proper cluster master coordinate. Also, make sure Intel DAAL runtime libraries and dependencies are included in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The best way to do this is run this command from Intel DAAL's installation directory:

 %linux-prompt> source bin/daalvars.sh intel64

To run a test, just supply the test name, input path, and necessary arguments. For example,

 ./runtest.sh PCATest <input-path> <method-name> <number-of-principals-to-return>