Wedding site

Docker containered FastAPI server running on Heroku.

Build status:

Table of Contents

Directory structure

  • /.github/workflows Deployment pipeline used by GitHub Actions.
  • /docs Documentation files.
  • /source Source files and environment configurations for the web server.
    • /source/app Web server application. FastAPI docs and URIs.
    • /source/docker-compose.yml Wer server Docker container compose definition.
    • /source/Dockerfile Web server Docker container definition.
    • /source/ Web server startup script run in the Docker container.
    • /source/requirements.txt Web server required packages.
  • Procfile Heroku process type declaration for the web server startup.
  • heroku.yml Heroku process type declaration for the web server startup.

Example website

Direct link to the site:

FastAPI automatically creates documentation for the web application. It is accessible as a docs website in Swagger format.


Deployment pipeline architecture: Deployment pipeline Commits trigger GitHub actions to push changes to Heroku. Changes to Heroku trigger a Docker Compose build that creates a new version of the containerized FastAPI.


Following instructions setup the demo and there are multiple ways to do it.

  1. Choose deployment type:
    a. Local deployment: relies on Python environment and a Procfile, sets up everything from this repository as a local web server.
    b. Local docker deployment
    c. Manual Heroku deployment: First time setup requires a Heroku application creation. The webserver stack can be defined in two ways: As a Python application through the Procfile or as an containerized application through Docker Compose definition. The compose application requires a stack configuration change described below in the commands.
    c. Automatic Heroku deployment: Requires first manual setup first time and setting up the required secrets. Configures an automatic deployment pipeline that runs Git commits through GitHub repository's GitHub Actions. The pipeline workflow pushes the changes to Heroku application repository and initiates a reload of the web server application. The application is built using a Docker Compose definition running a FastAPI application in a Docker container.
  2. Add manually the enviromnent variables from file .env as Heroku app configuration variables.

Local deployment

Running following commands sets up local server.

git clone

pip install -r source/requirements.txt

#heroku login                       # Not completely neccessary
heroku local -f Procfile            # Starts the server
heroku open

First time deployment

Heroku application creation is required on the first time.
Note! Automated pipeline requires app creation and stack definition.

Following commands create example-app-name Heroku application. After creation GitHub Actions can be attached to the application in the Heroku portal for automated deployments.

git clone

# Heroku setup
heroku login
heroku apps:create example-app-name --region eu

# Heroku build requirements
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python --app example-app-name

# Heroku needs to know that app is in a Docker container
heroku stack:set container --app example-app-name

# Manual Heroku deployment
git push heroku main
heroku ps:scale web=1           # sets dynos

Local docker deployment

Run following commands to build and deploy locally in a container:

docker build -t test:latest source
docker run -p 80:80 test:latest

TODO: not working, connect Proc-file!

Automatic deployment

Note! Automated pipeline requires stack definition and app creation from first time deployment AND defining the secrets.

Based on GitHub Actions and Heroku deployment configuration files. Commit triggers dependency check and deployment to Heroku. See secrets on the required setup on Heroku secrets.
Also optionally, Heroku can be configured to connect to GitHub to allow manual and automatic deployments based on the commits. Heroku deployment pipeline does not support build checks or other actions on the free tier.


Note! Required by GitHub Actions.

GitHub Action uses secrets to push changes to Heroku. Following secrets are required to be added to repository's secrets in the repository settings:

    • Can be found in:
      Heroku -> Profile -> Account settings -> API key
    • Name of the Heroku application.
    • Must be unique.
    • Email that you use with Heroku.


Local install is based on the following installations:

  • Heroku
    • pip install heroku
  • FastAPI and Uvicorn server
    • pip install "fastapi[all]"
    • OR pip install fastapi; pip install "uvicorn[standard]"

Additional details

Relevant details for further development, debugging and interaction with the application.

Always on application

Heroku application goes to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity. For example, Kaffeine application can be used to pings the app so that it stays active:

Deactivation link to Kaffeine:

Heroku debug commands

Useful command for Heroku debugging:

heroku open                     # Open the default app in browser
heroku logs --tail              # Recent logs, Heroku stores 1500 lines
heroku run bash                 # Connect to dyno
heroku ps:exec                  # SSH to dyno
heroku ps                       # Info on dyno