Remesh Takehome Assessment

Live Link to Site

Link to Frontend Repo

Backend Instructions:

  • Clone the repo and npm install dependencies
  • Create a .env file using the .env.example as a guide
  • Using PostgreSQL;
    • create user remesh_user with password ‘remesh_pass’ createdb;
  • Using the command line in the directory you can run
    • npx dotenv sequelize-cli db:create
      • This will create the database
    • npx dotenv sequelize-cli db:migrate
      • This will create the migrations
    • npx dotenv sequelize-cli db:seed:all
      • This will create the seed data
  • npm start to run the application

Frontend Instructions:

  • Clone the repo and npm install dependencies
  • npm start to run the application

Backend Routes

  1. Conversations

    • POST "/conversations"
      • This endpoint will create a new conversation
    • GET "/conversations"
      • This endpoint will grab all conversations
  2. Messages

    • GET "/conversations/:id/messages"
      • This endpoint will grab all messages for a particular conversation by id
    • POST "/conversations/:id/messages"
      • This endpoint will create a new message for a particular conversation by id
  3. Thoughts

    • GET "/messages/:id/thoughts"
      • This endpoint will grab all thoughts for a particular message by id
    • POST "messages/:id/thoughts"
      • This endpoint will create a new thought for a particular message by id

Data Schema


attribute name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
title string not null
startDate timestamp not null


attribute name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
text string not null
dateTime timestamp not null


attribute name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
text string not null
dateTime timestamp not null