
Explore the GOAD Active Directory lab in 5 minutes with Adalanche

Adalanche Sample Data

Explore the GOAD Active Directory lab in 5 minutes with Adalanche - Active Directory ACL Visualizer and Explorer

Adalanche screenshot

This repository provides sample data from the Orange Cyberdefense lab GOAD project. It is a vulnerable Active Directory lab consisting of 5 Windows machines (3 DCs across 2 forests) and 2 Windows servers. There is a multitude of vulnerabilites available, and you can explore them using Adalanche and decide whether you want to spin up a lab to explore further.


  • 3 Domain Controller dumps including GPOs
  • 5 Local Machine dumps

How to use

Load this into Adalanche by following this short guide:

  1. Download latest release or recent development build
  2. Clone this repository, or download as a ZIP file and decompress it
  3. Launch Adalanche, pointing it to your cloned repository: adalanche analyze --datapath [path-to-cloned-repository]/goad/

Next steps

Documentation for Adalanche: information in the readne Deploy the lab: there's an easy to use script for Ubuntu 22.04 available, or visit the GOAD lab repository directly Further reading: links to sites about attacks on Active Directory

HUGE THANKS to Orange Cyberdefense // Mayfly277 // contributors for providing the lab!

Have fun!