Read Me - Fitt's Law Experiment
Download the project at
This Project is broken into 2 Modules:
circledata CaptureData - Stores all data for each click CircleData - Gets and Sets all data values for each circle
fittsmain FittsMain - Main function to be RUN FittsPanel - Class which defines experiment flow and UI GetCircle - Plots n given points onto a circle StopWatch - Keeps track of elapsed time
**Requirements to run the experiment:
- Java
- IDE (Preferably IntelliJ, optional)
- R
**This Folder consists of 2 Directories:
fittslawhw3 : The Java Application to be run
fittslaw_data_analysis. : The R Project to be run for data analysis
ReadMe : This document explaining what is what
ScreenShots : Folder containing screenshots of the project
KARRA_CS_522_HW_3 : Project Report
**Steps to run the experiment:
- Open the Java Application folder in an IDE (Preferably IntelliJ) - Compile and run the .java files
- Run the FittsMain file
- Once the user completes, the data can be found at ./fittslawhw3/data.csv
**Steps to analyse data:
- Open the fittslaw_data_analysis in RStudio
- OR run the FittsLawDataAnalysis.R file