
Some sample code. Some of these were part of huge projects and not easily plug-and-play. I don't promise that they work in a basic installation without configuration, even with dependant modules.

I still have two more modules that are much more interesting, but they have undergone some changes by others since last pull / update. They also might have some data that I am not allowed to share. I need to go through those before adding to this repo.


breadcrumb_block: An extremely simple module that only creates a block with a breadcrumb that can be displayed wherever. I used this with Panels in a multi-site configuration when a theme template was too static. I am sure "there's a module for that" but in this case, this worked out easily.

isotope_commerce_catalogue: Depends on Views Isotope (and Commerce Kickstart). This module creates a catalogue view of products that can be filtered with the jQuery isotope plugin. It also adds to and overrides functionality provided by the Views Isotope module.

materialordering: Creates a multi-step form to download or order materials by email using Views. Also includes some customization to add contact information. Depends on Views Inputfield (below).

views_inputfield: A simple plugin to provide the possibility to use an input field in a view.

responsive-navigation.js: I've used this method in a couple of projects to toggle display of navigation menus and other elements for mobile devices.