
Files from Dojo about Apache Hive

Primary LanguagePython

Dojo Hive


This repository contains the reference files for an introductory coding dojo about Apache Hive presented by me. The dojo is given in a Kata format.

Getting Started

The structure of this repository is as follows:

The mapreduce-python subrepository

 ┣ 📜client.py
 ┣ 📜mapper.py
 ┣ 📜reducer.py
 ┗ 📜sales.csv

Contains the files as example of a MapReduce job implemented in Python where:

  • client.py: is the client code which will run to make the request to the Map and Reduce parts.
  • mapper.py: file containing the Map part for the given problem.
  • reducer.py: file containing the Reduce part for the given problem.
  • sales.csv: file containing a sample data to be consumed by the Python MapReduce job.

The queries subrepository

 ┣ 📜create_tables_populate.sql
 ┣ 📜cube_client_case.sql
 ┣ 📜cube_client_map.sql
 ┣ 📜tmp_client_purchase_case.sql
 ┗ 📜tmp_client_purchase_map.sql
  • create_tables_populate.sql: create the tables needed for this Dojo and populate them.
  • cube_client_case.sql: creates a simple OLAP cube proposed. Uses case-when strategy to pivot data.
  • cube_client_map.sql: creates a simple OLAP cube proposed. Uses map strategy to pivot data.
  • tmp_client_purchase_case.sql: temporary table of case-when strategy.
  • tmp_client_purchase_map.sql: temporary table of map strategy.

The content of the files presented above can be executed on Demo Hue website.

The explain subrepository

This repository contains the files with information from the output of the following command

explain <content of tmp_client_urchase or cube_client file>;

The goal is compare both strategies to conclude which one is better in the performance point of view.