ABOUT ===== This software delivers tools to build surface reconstructions from point cloud data and a simple viewer to display the results. Additionally, the found surfaces will be classified into predefined categories. The main aim of this project is to deliver fast and accurate surface extraction algorithms for robotic applications such as tele operation in unknown environments and localization. This software is under permanent development and runs under Linux and MacOS. A Windows version will be made avialable soon. COMPILATION =========== The software is built using cmake. To compile create a build subdirectory. Switch to this directory and call: % cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. % make The binaries are compiled to the ./bin directory in the base dir. You may simply copy this: % mkdir build; cd build; cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..; make; cd ../bin REQUIRED LIBRARIES ================== + OpenGL + glut + BOOST - Filesystem - Program Option - System - Thread + Qt 4.6 or newer (for qviewer) + libQGLViewer 2.3.9 or newer (for qviewer) + libXi + libXmu + Optional: librply [https://github.com/lkiesow/librply] You need to compile libQGLViewer with CONFIG += no_keywords to be compatible with Boost. If the version that comes with your Linux distrubution is not build this way, you have to compile and install the library manually with these flags. The sources can be found on the project website: http://www.libqglviewer.com/ USAGE ===== Your can experiment with the software using the provided dataset. For a simple reconstruction call: % ./bin/reconstruct -v 100 dat/scan.pts in the root directory of the project. This will create a file called “traingle_mesh.ply” which can be displayed using the viewer application: % ./bin/qviewer If you want to use the example data, call for colorizing a point cloud without color informaion call: % ./colorize -d 100 -c ff0000 example-data/scan-no-color.3d \ example-data/scan-with-color.pts colored-scan.pts For file conversion of point clouds and meshes use the convertmodel application: % ./convertmodel examplefile.pts examplefile.ply For more information, build the Doxygen documentation by calling % make doc in the build directory.