
GitHub action to send a notification via Matrix

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Actions to Send Matrix Notifications

This actions will easily let you send notifications to Matrix rooms.


- uses: lkiesow/matrix-notification@v1
    # The Matrix home server to send the message to
    # Default: matrix.org
    server: matrix.org

    # Secret token used for authentication.
    token: ...

    # Identifier of the room to send the message to
    room: '!gwaqKjZRpCQkpkTVwh:matrix.org'

    # The message to send (optional)
    message: Hello world

    # An HTML formatted version of the message to send
    formatted_message: Hello <b>World</b>!

    # If to install the matrix-msg binary
    # Default: false
    tool: false

Using the matrix-msg binary

If tool is set to true, a binary called matrix-msg will be installed which can be used to easily send messages throughout the remainder of the GitHub Action job. The binary can be used either with the message as the first argument:

matrix-msg "The message"

…or by piping the message into the tool:

echo The message | matrix-msg

You can also add a formatted version of the message as second command line argument:

matrix-msg "The message" "The <b>message</b>"

Matrix Token

An easy way to register a new session token is to use cURL to log-in via API:

❯ USER=@someone:matrix.org
❯ PASS=someVerySecretPassword
❯ curl -XPOST \
  -d '{"type":"m.login.password", "user":"'"${USER}"'", "password":"'"${PASS}"'"}' \
{..., "access_token":"aSecretSessionToken", ...}