ABOUT ================================================================================ ptsviewer is a simple OpenGL based viewer for point clouds stored as pts or ply file. In Ply files the either the element “vertex” or the element “point” is loaded as point cloud data. If both elements are present, the “point” element data is preferred. Both colored and non colored point clouds are supported. Multiple clouds can be loaded and pose estimations for matching can be created. PTS FILE FORMAT ================================================================================ The pts file format is designed to store point clouds in a simple, human readable way. Each point is stored as a couple of values in one line of the pts file. One line contains at least three values, representing the x-, y- and z-position of the point in a three-dimensional cartesian coordinate system. If one line has six or more values, it is assumed that the last three values represent color information as 8-bit vales in a rgb color space. Additional information (like remission values, accuracy, ...) may be stored between these to sets of values. They are ignored. Example of a pts file containing values for position, color and accuracy: ... -101.132004 -16.282200 -1.671650 9672.242188 88 69 60 -97.345001 -23.159800 -1.601770 9324.614258 88 69 60 -96.522903 5.354720 -3.460280 9934.269531 86 69 63 -96.475403 5.382280 -1.612710 9622.832031 86 69 63 -95.455399 5.657920 -3.712910 9886.268555 86 69 63 ... REQUIRED LIBRARIES ================================================================================ + OpenGL + The OpenGL utility toolkit + The OpenGL utility library + librply - https://github.com/lkiesow/librply Installation on Ubuntu: > apt-get install freeglut3 freeglut3-dev Installation on Fedora: > yum install freeglut freeglut-devel COMPILATION / INSTALLATION ================================================================================ Edit config.mk (probably no changes have to be made) and call for compilation: > make If you want not only compile it, but install it just call with the appropriate rights: > make clean install CONTROLS ================================================================================ For more details have a look at the manpage for ptsviewer. -- Mouse: --- drag left Rotate point cloud drag right Move up/down, left/right wheel Move forward, backward (fact) -- Keyboard (normal mode): --- i,o,p Increase, reset, decrease point size a,d Move left, right (fast) w,s Move forward, backward (fast) q,e Move up, down (fast) A,D Move left, right (slow) W,S Move forward, backward (slow) Q,E Move up, down (slow) j Jump to start position f Flip point cloud y,x Invert rotation +,- Zoom in, out *,/ Increase/Decrease movement speed 0...9 Toggle visibility of point clouds 0 to 9 t Toggle visibility of all point clouds u Deselect all clouds c Invert background color <return> Enter selection mode m Enter move mode <esc> Quit -- Keyboard (selection mode): --- 0..9 Enter cloud number <return> Apply selection. <esc> Cancel selection -- Keyboard (move mode): --- a,d Move left, right (fast) w,s Move forward, backward (fast) q,e Move up, down (fast) A,D Move left, right (slow) W,S Move forward, backward (slow) Q,E Move up, down (slow) r,f Rotate around x-axis t,g Rotate around y-axis z,h Rotate around z-axis R,F Rotate around x-axis (slow) T,G Rotate around y-axis (slow) Z,H Rotate around z-axis (slow) p Print pose P Generate pose files in current directory m,<esc> Leave move mode