
Text editor for the Nspire calculator series

Primary LanguageC

nTxt - Nspire Text Editor

nTxt is a text editor for the Nspire calculator series.
It is compatible with all Ndless releases after ndless3.1 r872 or higher,
both clickpad/touchpad and CX Nspires.

File Association is supported, nTxt registers itself automatically on first start for .txt files.


Arrow keys	move cursor
Shift+arrows	select text
Esc/On		exit to documents screen/close menu
Menu/Doc	open menu

Ctrl+s		save document
Ctrl+o		open document

Ctrl+c		copy selected text to clipboard
Ctrl+x		cut selected text to clipboard
Ctrl+v		paste clipboard
Ctrl+a		select all

Ctrl+f		find
Ctrl+g		find next
Ctrl+Shift+g	find previous

Ctrl+z		undo
Ctrl+y		redo

Ctrl+7		go to start of document
Ctrl+1		go to end of document
Ctrl+9 or Trig	page up
Ctrl+3 or x^2	page down
Ctrl+4 or e^x	page left
Ctrl+6 or 10^x	page right

Ctrl+left	go to beginning of current line ("home")
Ctrl+right	go to end of current line ("end")

Special characters:
char    key(s)

:       shift .
;       shift ,
`       ctrl ,
!       shift ?!
?       ?!
&       shift +
_       shift -
~       ctrl -
*       multiply
#       shift multiply
\       shift divide
|       ctrl divide
/       divide
"       shift exponentiate
'       ctrl exponentiate
^       exponentiate
>       shift =
<       ctrl =
[       shift (
{       ctrl (
]       shift )
}       ctrl )
%       flag
$       shift flag
@       ctrl flag

To switch the text wrapping mode (automatical new lines or horizontal scrolling),
chose "Change Text Wrapping Mode" in the menu.

The source code is available on github (https://github.com/lkjcalc/nTxt).

lkj, 30 May 2018