
Primary LanguageC


Basic instructions for working with the code

  1. Clone (obtain code from online github repository): git clone --single-branch --recursive https://github.com/Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/STEPWAT2.git

  2. Change working directory to STEPWAT2 folder: cd STEPWAT2

  3. Compile the code (make an executable application): make

Other tasks:

  • Clean local repository, e.g., after having run some tests: git clean -d -f

  • Reset files to their online github repository version, i.e., overwrite changes made to local files: git reset --hard

  • Pull down/sync latest commits/version from github repository: git pull

Code development and pull-requests

Basic instruction for running a test project

  • Print a brief explanation of options:
./stepwat --help
> Usage: stepwat [-d startdir] [-f files.in] [-q] [-s] [-e] [-o] [-g]
>   -d : supply working directory (default=.)
>   -f : supply list of input files (default=files.in)
>   -q : quiet mode, don't print message to check logfile.
>   -s : use SOILWAT model for resource partitioning.
>   -e : echo initialization results to logfile
>   -o : print all the soilwat output in addition to the stepwat output
>   -g : use gridded mode
  • Run the gridded version (-g) of STEPWAT2 using SOILWAT2 to drive the water cycle (-s):
cd testing.sagebrush.master/
./stepwat -f files.in -g -s```

* Run the non-gridded version of STEPWAT2 from the Stepwat_Inputs/ folder using SOILWAT2
  to drive the water cycle (-s):

cd testing.sagebrush.master/Stepwat_Inputs/ ./stepwat -f files.in -s


cd testing.sagebrush.master/Stepwat_Inputs/ ./stepwat -f files.in


## Note: repository renamed from StepWat to STEPWAT2 on Feb 23, 2017

All existing information should [automatically be redirected](https://help.github.com/articles/renaming-a-repository/) to the new name.

Contributors are encouraged, however, to update local clones to [point to the new URL](https://help.github.com/articles/changing-a-remote-s-url/), i.e.,

git remote set-url origin https://github.com/Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/STEPWAT2.git