
Typst thesis template for bioinformatics @ TUM+LMU

Primary LanguageTypst


This is a typst thesis template with front matter for TUM+LMU bioinformatics and TUM informatics. Therefore, it generally supports English and German as main document languages. It comes with ready-to-use outlines, configurable page numbers adapting to front and back matter, as well as flexible headers that can imitate scrbook. I also implemented sidecap and a basic wrapfig equivalent.

Although totally workable, this template is somewhat under development - just as Typst is. If you find a bug, please feel free to open an issue!

To get started, edit main.typ or make a new minimal thesis.typ:

#import "modules/template.typ": *

#show: doc.with(
  title: [all beginnings are hard], 
  name: [silly old me])

= introduction

The TUM informatics and bioinformatics cover pages: tum cover pages

Table of contents with numbering up to level 2 headings, well-aligned fill characters and roman page numbers for the appendix:

a dummy table of contents

overkill header and wrap figure

example header and caption

Defining a figure title for the list-of-figures is now less hacky:

  image("/images/dingos.jpg", width: 100%),
  caption: flex-caption(
    [Another example full-width image], 
    [. Consumers are generally unaware that ...]),
) <dingos>

list of figures