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Hi there! 👋

I'm a 22 years old Web Developer from Brazil who loves to code and learn new things. 🚀

I am currently available and actively searching for job opportunities!

About me

  • 🌱 I'm currently exploring new areas of technology and data, such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Intelligence.
  • 💻 I have experience in Node.js, React, Express.js, and a bit of Python (but always looking to learning more).
  • 📚 I enjoy reading books and manhwa, listening to music, playing video games, watching movies or anime, and traveling (when possible).
  • 💡 I strongly believe that coding has the power to solve problems and help people change the world for the better.

My work

  • 🔭 I'm working on various open-source projects that you can find on my repositories page.

I am searching for a job opportunity where I can contribute my values. My passion lies in learning new technologies and developing solutions that have a positive impact. Collaboration, diversity, and continuous improvement are values that I hold dear. If you are seeking an individual who shares these values and possesses the necessary skills and experience, please do not hesitate to contact me. 😸

Contact me

Platforms I'm on:

LinkedIn https://dev.to/lkotlarenko codepen last.fm

Languages and Tools that I am learning/have interest in:

  • 📊 Here are some stats about my GitHub profile:
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Support me

If you liked my work and want to support me, you can sponsor me on GitHub. Your support will enable me to focus more on open-source projects. Those contributions will help me continue to learn, grow, and contribute to the open-source ecosystem 💚.

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