
An Appointment Management System and E-Commerce website for a dermatology clinic. Patients can use this website to set their appointments and buy dermatology products if they wish to do so. This app feaures Paymongo API to handle Philippine local transactions, Google OAuth for handling Google Omniauth access, and Google Calendar API to handle Google Calendar Events. Other gems listed below are also utilized to handle frontend and backend integrations.

This project is deployed on Heroku and can be accessed by clicking on the title above.

Ruby Version

Ruby 3.1.2

System Dependencies

  • Rails 6.1.6
  • NodeJS 16.3.0
  • Yarn 1.22.18
  • PostgreSQL 14.2

Featured Gems

  • gem 'devise'
  • gem 'tailwind-css'
  • gem 'rspec-rails'
  • gem 'faker'
  • gem 'dotenv-rails'
  • gem "omniauth-rails_csrf_protection"
  • gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2'
  • gem "simple_calendar", "~> 2.4"
  • gem 'image_processing', '~> 1.2'
  • gem "aws-sdk-s3", require: false


bundle install
yarn install --check-files
bundle binstubs rspec-core (creates executable for rspec)

Database Initialization

rails db:create
rails db:setup (to initiate seeds on the database)

rails db:migrate

How to run the Test Suite

bin/rspec (courtesy of bundle binstubs rspec-core)

Fair Use