
Collaboration project with eefborromeo under Avion school bootcamp.

Primary LanguageRuby


A stock trading app simulation for asset trading primarily featuring IEX Finance market information. Users can use this app to search for valid asset symbols, and add them to their portfolio so that they can begin making transactions with a specific asset. This app features IEX Client to retrieve all asset related information, Devise for account authorization and access, Chartkick in combination with Groupdate to display visual representation of data, Rspec, Faker and Database Rewinder for pristine test suite testing, and Tailwind CSS for front-end related styling and layout.

This project is deployed on Heroku and can be accessed by clicking on the title above.

Ruby Version

Ruby 3.1.2

System Dependencies

  • Rails 6.1.6
  • NodeJS 16.3.0
  • Yarn 1.22.18
  • PostgreSQL 14.2

Featured Gems

  • gem 'iex-ruby-client'
  • gem 'devise'
  • gem 'ransack'
  • gem 'chartkick'
  • gem 'groupdate'
  • gem 'tailwind-css'
  • gem 'rspec-rails'
  • gem 'faker'
  • gem 'database-rewinder'


bundle install
yarn install --check-files
bundle binstubs rspec-core (creates executable for rspec)

Database Initialization

rails db:create
rails db:setup (to initiate seeds on the database)

rails db:migrate

How to run the Test Suite

bin/rspec (courtesy of bundle binstubs rspec-core)

Deployment Instructions

heroku login
git push heroku <branch name>
heroku run rails db:migrate
heroku run rails db:seed

Fair Use