=== JP Markdown ===
Contributors: wpjp
Tags: jetpack, markdown, posts, post, comments, md
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.5
Stable tag: 3.9.6
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Write in Markdown, publish in HTML.

== Description ==

Just the [Markdown](http://jetpack.me/support/markdown/) module from [Jetpack](http://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/).

All credits go to [Jetpack developers](https://jetpack.com/about/). Just saved you the trouble of taking [Markdown](http://jetpack.me/support/markdown/) module out of Jetpack and making it into an independent plugin.

= But.. Why? =

* Why not?
* Privacy?
* Boilerplate?

= Similar Plugins =

* [JP Sharing](http://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack-sharing/) - Share content with Facebook, Twitter, and many more.
* [JP Widget Visibility](http://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack-widget-visibility/) - Control what pages your widgets appear on.
* [JP Markdown](http://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack-markdown/) - Write in Markdown, publish in HTML.
* [JP Custom CSS](http://wordpress.org/plugins/jp-custom-css/) - Customize your site’s CSS without modifying your theme.
* [JP Gravatar Hovercards](http://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack-gravatar-hovercards/) - Show a pop-up business card of your users' gravatar profiles in comments.
* [JP Omnisearch](http://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack-omnisearch/) - A single search box, that lets you search many different things.

== Changelog ==

= 3.9.6 =

* Enhancement: Removed deprecated markup from the output.
* Enhancement: Added a filter to enable skipping processing of developer supplied patterns.
* Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that would strip markdown when saving in "Quick Edit" mode.

= 3.8 =

* Update to Jetpack 3.8

= 3.6 =

* Update to Jetpack 3.6

= 3.5.3 = 

* Update to Jetpack 3.5.3

= 3.4.1 =

* Bug Fix: Re-run KSES after processing to account for syntax changes.

= 3.2.1 =

* Update to Jetpack 3.2.1

= 3.2 =

* Update to Jetpack 3.2

= 3.1 =

* Update to Jetpack 3.1
* Change plugin name to "JP Markdown" in response to Jetpack team request.

= 3.0.1 =

* Bugfix: Ensure Markdown is kept when Bulk Editing posts

= 2.9.3 =

* Update to Jetpack 2.9.3

= 2.9 =

* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==