
Primary LanguageShell

ioFog Kubernetes Helm Package Repository

This repository is used to serve Helm packages of ioFog Kubernetes.


The following commands require an installation of Helm, jq, and curl from the machine executing the deployment. It also assumes you have a running Kubernetes cluster and Agent nodes.

Add this repository to your Helm repository index

helm repo add iofog https://eclipse-iofog.github.io/helm

Install Controller and Connector to cluster

helm install iofog/iofog

Wait for Controller to obtain an external IP address and then create a user and access token. Use the access token to install ioFog Kubelet, Scheduler, and Operator

while [ -z "$IP" ] ; do
  IP=$(kubectl get svc controller --template="{{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress}}{{.ip}}{{end}}" -n iofog)
  [ -z "$IP" ] && sleep 10

USER_RESULT=$(curl \--request POST \
http://"$IP":"$PORT"/api/v3/user/signup \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "firstName": "Dev", "lastName": "Test", "email": "user@domain.com", "password": "#Bugs4Fun" }')

AUTH_RESULT=$(curl --request POST \
--url http://"$IP":"$PORT"/api/v3/user/login \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"email":"user@domain.com","password":"#Bugs4Fun"}')

TOKEN=$(echo "$AUTH_RESULT" | jq -r .accessToken)
helm install iofog/iofog-k8s --set-string controller.token="$TOKEN"

Integrate on-cluster Controller with Agents at the edge. Note that this must be run from within the Agent machine

iofog-agent config -a http://"$IP":51121/api/v3/