Simple file storage for credentials (Node.js module).
- Stores credentials (user, hashed password) and role name into JSON file
- Handles verification of given username and password
- Reads role for given user
- Passwords are hashed with bcrypt
npm install jasstor
var Jasstor = require('jasstor');
var jasstor = new Jasstor('credentials.txt');
//Encrypt and store password into JSON file
jasstor.saveCredentials('user', 'password', 'role', function(err){
if (err) {
//handle error
//Verify credentials and read user's role
jasstor.verify('user', 'password', function(err, role){
if (role){
//user authenticated with role
} else {
//user don't exist or wrong password
//Read role for user
jasstor.getRole('user', function (err, role) {
if (role){
//user has role
} else {
//user don't exist
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Copyright (c) 2014 Lubos Krnac. Licensed under the MIT license.