
This repository contains assignments and examples for the 2014 offering of the POSA MOOC (see www.coursera.org/course/posa for more information)

Primary LanguageJava


This repository contains assignments and examples for the 2014 offering of the POSA MOOC (see www.coursera.org/course/posa for more information) stripped from Eclipse dependencies and converted into something more IDE neutral like Maven.

Build instructions

Whenever project uses Maven (pom.xml file exists in project directory) simply invoke:

$ mvn -q package

from directory containing pom.xml file (provided that you have Maven installed).

If project does not use Maven (Android projects) you need to fill local.properties file with sdk.dir=/full/path/to/your/sdk/directory and invoke (Apache Ant needed):

$ ant debug

After successful build (provided you have emulator running or device connected):

$ ant installd

If it's test project you can run tests with:

$ ant test

Specific assignment instructions

Assignment from week 2, running BuggyLongTest

After building (JUnit test failure is not issue here) invoke:

$ cd target/classes && java edu.vuum.mocca.BuggyLongTest -classpath . && cd ../..

from assignment root directory.

Assignment from week 4, running PingPongRight

After filling all the TODOs and building invoke:

$ cd target/classes && java edu/vuum/mocca/PingPongRight -classpath . && cd ../..

from assignment root directory.

Assignment from week 5, running console PingPong

After building invoke:

$ java -cp ./bin/classes edu.vuum.mocca.Main

from W5-A4-Android directory.