
Random walks on graphs

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


A simple random walk Python package implemented in C and parallelized in OpenMP. This repository is supplemented by a blog-post at lukaskoestler.com. The post should also be considered the primary documentation for this repository.


This package works only on -nix operating systems and is only tested on Ubuntu 18.04. First build the rwalk C library like

(cd rwalk; make clean; make all;)

and then install the requirements like

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to run the post.ipynb notebook that goes with the blog-post you have to run

pip install -r requirements_jupyter.txt

The two requirements.txt files do not give particular versions of the libraries to not overwrite them in your environment. The used features are very basic and should be available in future and past versions of the libraries.