AUTHORS: ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΜΙΧΑΗΛΙΔΗΣ (ΑΜ: 1115201500098) ΛΟΥΚΑΣ ΛΙΤΣΟΣ (ΑΜ: 1115201500082) COMPILATION: instructor's main: $ make findex our main: $ make findex2 RUN: instructor's main: $ ./findex arg1 arg2 our main: $ ./findex2 CHECK RESULTS: (only for instructor's main): $ cat results.txt SPECS: - attrLength is exactly the length of the attrName string (both for HT_info and SHT_info). - offset is member of HT_info (and SHT_info) and it stores the offset from start (of block zero) to first bucket. Block 0 ------------- | | | | | info | offset = size of info at disk. | | |___________| |bucket 0 | |bucket 1 | |bucket 2 | |... | |bucket N | |(useless) | |... | |___________| - maxRecords member in SecondaryBlock and Block is not used at all. - Universal Hash is used (inspired from Wikipedia). - in HashStatistics(), we define overflow_blocks as the blocks that have recordsCounter == MAX_RECORDS. - TEST MAIN: Our test_main creates two secondary indexes with keys surname and address and it behaves similar to the instructor's main (test_main.c).