RPC Asset Transfer

A simple quick and dirty C# gRPC example application for transferring assets via Bi-directional RPC streams

Setup Server

  • Open AssetTransferServer\Program.cs
  • Add your bundles to the bundles variable. Point to an existing directory containing assets and give it a unique ID (just an int will do for this example project)
  • Change the PORT if that one is already in use

Setup Client

  • Open AssetTransferClient\Program.cs
  • Change WORKING_DIR to the dir you want the client to write to
  • Change the PORT if that one is already in use (make sure it matches the PORT defined in the server)


  • Start the Server.
  • Start the Client. Enter the target bundle ID and press return. Cached assets will be streamed to the working directory


  • Determine when a stream has finished and validate all files were actually received