Lana Abdelmohsen, Luke Kurlandski, Gordon Petry, Jason Swick
A basic descision tree learning algorithm, capable of learning a tree from multiple data sources and producing a visual output.
- primarily for executing the code
- contains a function to process input files
- reads the csv/txt file, learns the attributes from the first row, the target concept from the final column, ignores column named "ExampleID"
- processes each successive row into a tuple, where the first element is a dict of attribute : value pairs and the second element is the boolean target concept
- contains the DecisionTree class, which
- contains ID3 algorithm
- computes information gain
- computes entropy of a set
- converts itself to a string representation
- prints itself to a file
- contains the Node class, which
- is a simple, non-optimized n-tree with labeled edges
- serves as the backbone for the DecisionTree class
- can convert itself into a string representation
- D2_output.txt
- contains string representation of the decision tree as it is being built for the PlayTennis task
- D3_output.txt
- contains string representation of the decision tree as it is being built for the EnjoySport task
- D3.pdf
- a repsonse to the version space question
- D4_input.csv
- contains our own input data for PlayTennis task for task 4
- D4_output.txt
- contains our own output data for PlayTennis task for task 4
- D5.pdf
- group deliverable
- other .txt, .csv
- other files such as the project description etc.
- Compatibile with python 3.6.0.
- TCNJ HPC specific instructions:
module add python/3.6.0
- To run the program:
python3 input_path output_path
- where
- input_path : name of a .csv file that contains training data
- may also be .txt file type, but must contain comma separated values
- last column should be value of target attribute
- output_path : name of a .txt file to write the learned decision tree
- NOTE: the decision tree is printed sideways, not vertically!
A sideways-printed decision tree will be output the the output_path supplied when running the program.