EPI-based Oriented Relation Networks for Light Field Depth Estimation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


We release the code of EPI-based Oriented Relation Networks for Light Field Depth Estimation.

Overall network

The proposed network architecture.

The proposed oriented relation module

The architecture of ORM.


Python 3.6

Anaconda 4.2.0 (64-bit)

Kreas 2.2.4

Matlab 2014b

|-- ref_aug
    |-- im_refocus.m
    |-- pinhole.m
    |-- refocus.c

im_refocus.m requires MATLAB along with a C++ compiler configured to work with MATLAB's mex command, the last is required for building the refocus.mexw64 MEX function. You can check that a compiler is properly configured by executing:

>> mex -setup C++

>> mex refocus.c 

from the MATLAB command prompt.


Dataset:4D Light Field Benchmark

We use the 4D light field benchmark as our experimental dataset. The dataset includes 24 carefully designed scenes with ground-truth disparity maps. Each scene has 9 × 9 angular resolution and 512 × 512 spatial resolution. 16 scenes are used for training and the remaining 8 scenes for testing.

EPIs from the Light Field

We extract EPIs from the light field as input. The proposed network predicts the depth of the center pixel from the pair of EPI patches. We randomly sample the horizontal and vertical EPI patch pairs of size 9 × 29 × 3 from each scene as inputs.

Data Augmentation

You need to download HCI Light field dataset from http://hci-lightfield.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/. Unzip the LF dataset and move additional/, training/, test/, stratified/ into the hci_dataset/.

|-- hci_dataset
    |-- additional
    |-- stratified
    |-- training
    |-- test
  • Run im_refocus.m for data augmentation. Data will be saved ref_aug/output_ref/XX/XX_ref_alpha.png (XX is the scene, alpha is the disparity shift).
  • You might be change the setting line 96 index=1:10 to change the number of refocusing.


  • Run python epi_train.py to train our model, you need to modify the line 208 like below dir_LFimages = ['hci_dataset/additional/'+LFimage for LFimage in os.listdir('/hci_dataset/additional') if LFimage != 'license.txt']

  • Run save_load_loss.py to plot the loss curve.


  • The pretrained models are provided in the repo.

  • Run python EPI_test/test_LF.py to test and save the test results, you need to modify the line 35 like below valdata_fill_x ,valdata_fill_y ,numy,numx= read_pinhole_LF(9,9,'E:/LKY/dataset/benchmark/cotton')

  • Run python func_epimodel.py to obtain the network information.


Qualitative results on the 4D light field benchmark [7]. For each scene, the top row shows the estimated disparity maps and the bottom row shows the error maps for BadPix. (a) Ground truth. (b) LF [1]. (c) CAE [2]. (d) LF_OCC [3]. (e) SPO [4]. (f) EPN [5]. (g)EPINET [6]. (h) Ours.

Visual comparison of ours and other state-of-the-art methods on the 4D light field benchmark.


  1. H. Jeon, J. Park, G. Choe, J. Park, Y. Bok, Y. Tai, and I. S. Kweon. Accurate depth map estimation from a lenslet light field camera. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 1547–1555, 2015.
  2. W. Williem and I. K. Park. Robust light field depth estimation for noisy scene with occlusion. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 4396–4404, 2016.
  3. T.-C. Wang, A. Efros, and R. Ramamoorthi. Occlusion-aware depth estimation using light-field cameras. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pages 3487–3495, 2015.
  4. S. Zhang, H. Sheng, C. Li, J. Zhang, and Z. Xiong. Robust depth estimation for light field via spinning parallelogram operator. Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 145:148–159, 2016.
  5. Y. Luo, W. Zhou, J. Fang, L. Liang, H. Zhang, and G. Dai. Epi-patch based convolutional neural network for depth estimation on 4d light field. In International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pages 642–652, 2017.
  6. C. Shin, H. Jeon, Y. Yoon, I. S. Kweon, and S. J. Kim. Epinet: A fully-convolutional neural network using epipolar geometry for depth from light field images. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 4748–4757, 2018.

Paper and Citation

The paper was published at BMVC 2020 with an oral presentation.

  title={EPI-based Oriented Relation Networks for Light Field Depth Estimation},
  author={ Li, Kunyuan  and  Zhang, Jun  and  Sun, Rui  and  Zhang, Xudong  and  Gao, Jun },
  booktitle={British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},


Kunyuan Li, Jun Zhang

Questions can also be left as issues in the repository. We will be happy to answer them.