This is the code for the "How to do Object Detection with OpenCV" live session by Siraj Raval on Youtube
Jupyter Notebook
- 23
(-215:Assertion failed) VScn::contains(scn) && VDcn::contains(dcn) && VDepth::contains(depth) in function 'CvtHelper'
#6 opened by Dinesh317 - 0
area=cv2.contourArea(contour) Error
#10 opened by WinAndri - 0
Call to CUDA function failed. SOS
#9 opened by fangxink - 2
cv2.cv2 has no attribute CV_AA
#7 opened by NileshPant1999 - 0
Even I had the same problem, and the solution was quiet easy. Remember 1 thing, if the RGB values of your image lie in the range of 0-255, make sure the values are not of data type 'float'. As OpenCV considers float only when values range from 0-1. If it finds a float value larger than 1 it clips off the value thinking floats only exsist between 0-1. Hence such errors generated. So convert the data type to uint8 if values are from 0-255.
#8 opened by aleeshajaganath - 3
#5 opened by sudhasubramaniam - 1
RGB values for params of inRange
#3 opened by sid2364 - 1
- 2
Run fails on Arch Linux
#1 opened by codingquark