
A customer support ticketing web portal

Primary LanguageRuby

Coverage Status Maintainability Test Coverage

Customer Support Ticketing System



This application uses Ruby version 2.6.5. To install use rvm or rbenv.

  • RVM

      rvm install 2.6.5
      rvm use 2.6.6
    • To set Ruby 2.5.3 as the default Ruby version for your computer, run

        rvm use 2.6.5 --default
  • Rbenv

      rbenv install 2.6.5
    • To switch to 2.6.5 temporarily for this project, use

        rbenv local 2.6.5
    • To use this version as the default Ruby version for your global environment, use

        rbenv global 2.6.5


Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed

To install:

    gem install bundler


This applications uses the one of the latest versions of rails. You will need to upgrade if you don't already have it installed. The rails version being used is rails .

To install:

    gem install rails


This application makes use of the postgres database. For local development, you need to install it. To install postgres using brew:

    brew install mysql
    gem install mysql2

Error Handling

Error Message Possible Solution
While install mysql2 gem an error occurs Run bundle config build.mysql2 --with-opt-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl then bundle install


To get up and running with the project locally, follow the following steps.

  • Clone the app

      git clone https://github.com/llabake/customer_support_ticketing_system.git
  • Move into the directory and install all the requirements.

    cd customer_support_ticketing_system/
    bundle install
  • Setup the database

    Run this command EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit to enter the correct database credentials
    with your database username and password

    Then run:

      rails db:create
      rails db:migrate

    Please note that if you don't have vim installed in your machine, you could use your a different editor.

  • To seed the application with data then run;

      rails db:seed

    Now visit localhost:3000

  • To run test




  • It uses JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication.
  • Token is generated at sign up
  • Token gets verified each time user interact with the application
Request type Endpoint Action
POST localhost:3000/signup Registers a new user
POST localhost:3000/auth/login Logs a user in
POST localhost:3000/tickets Add a new ticket
GET localhost:3000/tickets Get all tickets for a user
PUT localhost:3000/tickets/:ticket_id Update a ticket for a user
GET localhost:3000/tickets/:ticket_id Get a ticket
DELETE localhost:3000/tickets/:ticket_id Delete a ticket
POST localhost:3000/tickets/:ticket_id/comments Add comment to a ticket
GET localhost:3000/admin/tickets Get all tickets by an admin
PUT localhost:3000/admin/tickets/:ticket_id Update a ticket by an admin
GET localhost:3000/agent/tickets Get all tickets assigned to an agent
PUT localhost:3000/agent/tickets/:ticket_id Update a ticket by an agent
GET localhost:3000/agent/tickets/export Export tickets by an agent


  • When a user creates a ticket, it is unassigned until an admin comes to assign it to an agent
  • A ticket is in progress only when an agent starts to work on it and not when it gets assigned
  • A ticket can be pending if resolving it is blocked by other team members aside the agent working on it


  • The export can be slow for very large data as it is not presently being run in a background job
  • The application does not present utilise serializers