
A MERN stack application with curated git commands for everyday development.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simple MERN stack application


Git cheat sheet is a simple React app for the frontend, basic API for requests and Redux for state management that gives users common git commands and their description


Git cheat sheet is a git command application list.

  • Users can create an account
  • Users can sign in to their account
  • Users can copy a command to their clipboard
  • Users can search the list of commands


  • Clone this repository
  • Navigate to the directory
  • Create a .env file using the format in .env.example
  • Install all dependencies with yarn install
  • Start the client side with the command yarn start:dev
  • Start the server with the command yarn start
  • Visit localhost:8080 on your browser
  • Run client side test with the command yarn test:client
  • Run server side test with the command yarn test:server


  • Fork the repository
  • Make your contributions
  • Write test cases for your contributions
  • Create Pull request against the develop branch.