
Generator server (Node Express mongo) & client (Angular 5) from a SWAGGER 2

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

nema: Node Express Mongo Angular (Generator)

Build Status GitHub license

nema is a command line generator that target full stack: It generates API/Templates from Swagger 2.0 YAMLS.


  • Angular 5 api-client using HttpClient
  • Angular 5 forms (template and componet) require: angular-bootstrap-ui


  • Node server using express
  • mongoose repositories
  • node api-client using request [Planned]

nema Command line Help

 _  _  _ _  _
| |(/_| | |(_|1.0.0

  Usage: nema [options]

  Code generation from swagger


    -V, --version                    output the version number
    --angular5-api                   TARGET(full project): Generate an Angular 5 Module Api client
    --mongoose                       TARGET(plugin@express): Generate Mongoose Schema, Models & Repositories
    --express                        TARGET(full project): Generate Express app/routes
    --angular5-form-template <path>  TARGET(plugin@angular5-api): Generate an Angular 5 Template from given model
    --override-models                Override all models while agreggating
    --override-methods               Override all methods while agreggating
    --lint                           Lint output (tslint), this may take a while
    --swagger <path>                 Path to swagger yml, repeat to aggregate (default: )
    --file <path>                    Output path for TARGET(file) path
    --dst <path>                     Output path for TARGET(project), default: same as the first swagger
    -h, --help                       output usage information

  At least one swagger file is required
  At least one TARGET is required


    nema --swagger=swagger-file.yml --mongoose --express --dst server/
    nema --swagger=swagger-file.yml --angular5-api --dst angular/app/src/api/

Swagger aggregation

You can aggregate many Swaggers into one unique generation.

nema will take global schema configuration from the first file and add parameters, definitions and paths from each other files.

In the end you will have one unique module with all methods an models.

Be aware of collisions :)

nema --swagger=./base-api.yml --swagger=./products-api.yml --angular5-api

Limitations / Changes / Caveats

nema has to do some triage, we cannot support all SWAGGER features and also can't do everything 100% standard.

  • Every type with type:object must be declared at definitions (first level). everything in nema need a name

  • Operation Object: operationId is required

  • schemes is required

  • Do not support $ref to external source files

  • /swagger path is forbidden it's used by swagger-ui

  • A sucess Response (2xx) must be defined and only one default response is considered as 200

  • No recursive types

    It will give you compile errors on generated code:

    error TS2395: Individual declarations in merged declaration 'XXX' must be all exported or all local.
    error TS2440: Import declaration conflicts with local declaration of 'XXX'.
  • type:string with format: date|date-format are treated the same: Javascript Date

  • type:number with format: int32|int64|float|double are the same: Javascript Number (double)

Things that may change in the future:

  • Only one body parameter is allowed. This is by design to keep compatibility with an older generator.

Zoned templates

nema generated files are meant to be committed. And inside some files you can even work. Like express routes.

Zoned templates are generated files that are safe to edit by you (our beloved end-user). Zones are delimited with an HTML like comment.

For example:

export const app = express();
app.set("mongodb", process.env.MONGO_URI || "mongodb://");

// false to disable
app.set("cors", false);

Internal zones are marked as <internal-*> and should not be edited. This is used to compose generated files.

Type: any

If you dont add properties to and object type, will be any in TypeScript.

    type: object
        type: object

nema (custom) metadata

  angularClientModuleName: XXX
  angularClientNodeModuleName: xxx
  apiName: XXXApi
  frontBasePath: /reverse-proxy/api/v1 # optional


Create an angular 5 resolve see example below


Override endpoint properties, this allow to use other generators without collisions or aggregate multiple files renaming operationIds...

basePath: /books
      description: get book product
      operationId: getProduct
        operationId: getBook

The final operation id will be: getBook dev note: getProduct won't be accesible at any target generation.


Some parameter could be injected by a reverse proxy / microgateway, those are useful for backend, but you don't want those in your front application.

      description: get book product
      operationId: getProduct
        - application/json
        - name: reverse-proxy-ip
          x-nema-auto-injected: true
          in: header
          description: BBVA user code.
          required: true
          type: string


Set plural used for generating, but default will use pluralize


Mark model as a db entity (mongoose treat it as a collection)

    x-nema-db: true
    type: object
      - userlogin
      - password
        type: string
        description: Userlogin
        maxLength: 64
        x-nema-lowercase: true
        x-nema-unique: true
        type: string
        description: Userlogin
        maxLength: 64
        x-nema-lowercase: true
        x-nema-unique: true


Force a custom control when generating form templates.

for example: type: string will be an input text, if you want a textare use: x-nema-control: textarea


Mark type as "cannot-be-created/updated".

In forms is displayed as disabled.

When you do the API implementation you should handle it manually.


Tell nema your type is a foreignKey (mongoose treat it as a ref)

    type: object
        type: array
        description: Usuarios inscritos
          type: string
          x-nema-fk: "#/definitions/User"

Angular 5 Api client


nema create a Resolve for Angular and search parameters in parents routes: params (route.snapshot.params) & data (route.snapshot.data).

params has higher priority than data.

Resolve example

Angular route configuration:

    path: "strategy/:strategyId",
    component: RootComponent,
    data: {},
    resolve: {
      strategy: StrategyResolve,

Swagger extension:

      - name: strategyId
        in: path
        description: Strategy identifier
        required: true
        type: string
      name: getStrategy
      description: Get a single strategy by Id
        name: StrategyResolve
        errorURL: /error
        parameters: # map route.snapshot.params with the method parameter name
          strategyId: strategyId

Resolve advanced example

Angular route configuration:

    data: {
      ref2Id: 6
    children: [
        path: "App1/files/:fileId",
        component: GetFilesComponent,
        data: {
          appName: "App1"
        resolve: {
          strategy: FileResolve, // id -> fileId: ?, app -> appName: "App", refId -> ref2Id: 6
    path: "App2/files/:fileId",
    component: GetFilesComponent,
    data: {
      appName: "App2",
      refId: 7
    resolve: {
      strategy: MagicResolve, // id -> fileId: ?, app -> appName: "App2", refId -> refId: 7

Swagger extension:

      - name: id
        in: path
        description: identifier
        required: true
        type: string
      - name: app
        in: path
        description: Application name
        required: true
        type: string
     - name: refId
        in: path
        description: Reference Id, depends on your application
        required: true
        type: string
      name: getFiles
      description: Give me some sparks
        name: FileResolve
        errorURL: /error
          id: fileId
          app: appName
          refId: # search any, the first found is used
            - refId
            - ref2Id

Error handling (Angular 5 Client)

Global error handling (RestApi.onError)

It's recommended to use a global component, so you don't need to handle subscriptions.

import { RestApi } from "./api";
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Subscription";

  templateUrl: "./PlanDetails.component.html",
class TestComponent implements OnDestroy {
  subscription: Subscription;
    public restApi: RestApi,
  ) {

      this.subscription = this.restApi.onError.subscribe((err: CommonException) => {
        // guard: only once!
        // this may not be needed... if you have a global component
        if ((err as any).handled !== true) {
          (err as any).handled = true;
          //display the error!

  ngOnDestroy() {

Local error handling

import { RestApi } from "./api";
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Subscription";

  templateUrl: "./PlanDetails.component.html",
class TestComponent implements OnDestroy {
  testId: number;
    public restApi: RestApi,
  ) {

  test() {
    const x = this.restApi.test(
      { emitError: false } // handle error locally

    x.subscribe((response) => {
      // sucess
    }, (err: api.CommonException) => {
      // error

Develop notes

Notes to develop. Not meant to anybody of you :)

While developing rebuild is necessary everytime, edit bin/nema.js and uncomment the compilation step, then remove from working copy so it won't be committed

git update-index --assume-unchanged bin/nema.js
# Install mongodb
# run server
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath C:\data\db