Automate desktop applications (attended an unattended) in AutoHotKey v1 using:
- Java access bridge for Java applications
- Microsoft UI Automation for Window native application and UWP
- Images for remote application, RDP, Citrix, Horizon (It requires an interactive desktop)
- (OS) Mouse / Keyboard / Screen / Clipboard
Wait a mspaint, paint a pixel (click), and close.
#Include dist\rda.ahk
automation := new RDA_Automation()
windows :=
win := windows.waitOne({process: "mspaint.exe"})
win.mouseMoveTo(150, 105).click().close()
closePopup := win.waitChild({classNN: "#32770"})
; check is closed!
RDA_Assert(closePopup.isAlive() == false)
RDA_Assert(win.isAlive() == false)
Fill some values from a java application and expect changes are saved.
#Include dist\rda.ahk
automation := new RDA_Automation()
windows :=
win := windows.waitOne({process: "java.exe"})
winElement := win.asJABElement()
winElement.findOne("//CheckBox[@name=""Remember me:""]")
.ensureChecked("admin") ; <-- ensure is in fact set + expect
- Automate interactively and background apps (Mouse and keyboard)
- Automate by image, pixel colors
- Seamless automation with UI Automation / Java access bridge
- Manage windows, monitor, virtual desktops
There are various decisions around how we name things.
Components and Controls are the most common words for UI elements, but as you will see an application has more than that, that's why everything is an element.
UIA use Pattern to report what an element
is capable / operations that can be performed. JAB use the word Interfaces. And a browser should use aria-*
. We made a decision to use pattern and make an effort to match what UIA does in other APIs.
Each library use their own system to locate elements, that is a mess (API/ergonomics) so we implement a "small/distilled" version of xPath and that's how you locate elements!
The API is designed to be chained.
- Verbs,
chain to the same type. wait*
may chain, it's not*
return another value.os*
may chain. It operates at OS level not UIA/JAB.
The API is built in layers of functionality for example a RDA_Window
will rely on RDA_keyboard
to sendKeys
but it will activate the window to ensure the action is performed only in the proper window while RDA_Keyboard
will just send the keys to the Operating System.
While the main purpose of the library is to automate we include many test functions to ensure that data is saved as expected or to test an application.
Traceability. AHK can call a non-existing method or worst, don't call a method at all. Every method/function will leave a trace in the log so you will know what your robot does in any moment and you will be able to perform a proper post-mortem if necessary.
Here there is a quick table of what operations will be available for each pattern.
Pattern | UIA | JAB |
Value | set/getValue | getValue |
Text | set/getValue | set/getValue |
SelectionItem | select/isSelected | select/isSelected |
Invoke | click | click |
Toggle | toggle/isChecked | toggle/isChecked |
Selection | getSelected | getSelected |
ExpandCollapse* | expand/collapse | expand/collapse |
Scroll* | ||
Action | getActions/doActions |
- In the TODO list
List of pattern not implemented: RangeValue, Grid, GridItem, MultipleView, Window, Dock, Table, TableItem, Transform, ScrollItem, ItemContainer, VirtualizedItem, SyncronizedInput, LegacyIAccessible
There are a few differences:
JAB do not have
for Value pattern because it just does not exists. A combination of keyboard+mouse shall be used to automate. -
JAB do not have
pattern because it does exists, and cannot be mimic because you cannotsetValue
of a scroll item. -
Action pattern is JAB exclusive. JAB elements had many custom operations that are called
that expose neat functionality like "copy selected text to clipboard".
To generate the distribution file use:
npm run dist
- It will append all source files into one
- Include all dependencies
- Remove comments / empty lines
The default dist file will include our log system.
You can disable the log swapping files: RDA_Functions_Log.ahk -> RDA_Functions_NoLog.ahk at ./dist.ps1 or implement your own see ./src/RDA_Functions_NoLog.ahk
Documentation is generated using naturaldocs
To generate the documentation
npm run docs
Some information about the project.
The project is almost 100% unit tested We can't be sure because AutoHotKey do not have code coverage capabilities.
There is no plan.
Nevertheless as future proof all AutoHotKey APIs (commands) are encapsulated inside functions so the work should be easy.
- UIAutomation has a port but We don't know if the API is the same.
- JSON, author says it works
- YUnit, author says it works
We accept volunteers to keep the port runnig.
Use the same JRE if possible but the 64 bits version, AHK should be also x64.
No warnings. No variables leaks (good usage of local/global). No globals.
All clases/functions are namespaced: "RDA_*"
If you plan to add any functionality, cover it with a test.
The only mayor platform missing to automate is the browser.
There are two ways:
- Use selenium: Covers everything, add binary dependencies. Possible but not direct.
- Use UIAtomation: Some functionality is degraded, some is just a hack! Possible but not robust.
- It will bridge Microsoft UI Automation CPP and RDA
- JSON library it's only used for debuggin purposes. Only one function uses it, its optional.
- Unit testing.