
The configs I use on my system.

Primary LanguageShell

Llama's Configs

The magic files that stop my system from looking like garbage.

Required Packages

Arch Repo: bspwm sxhkd plank termite firefox feh

AUR: rofi-git polybar picom-tyrone-git clearine-git


  1. Copy the contents of the etc folder to /etc/.
  2. Copy the .config, .ncmpcpp, Pictures, and Script, folders to your home directory. Merge folders and replace files if asked.
  3. Copy the .zshrc file to your home directory, replacing the existing file if asked.
  4. Copy the contents of the Firefox folder to ~/.mozilla/firefox/<Your Profile>/chrome. If the chrome folder doesn't exist, create it.


Images of Desktop

Additional Changes


Color Theme: Materia Dark Compact. - [GitHub]

Icon Theme: Papirus Dark. - [GitHub]

Cursor Theme: OpenZone Ice. - [GitHub]


I use the Bytes theme that comes with Plank. - [OpenDesktop]


My config is a modified Polybar-4 by adi1090x. - [GitHub]


Based on quebin31's rofi theme but without using the whole screen and some other small changes. [GitLab]