JLC PCB Plug-in for KiCad |
- Generates gerber files in correct format for production
- Generates BOM file in correct format for production
- Generates Pick and Place file in correct format for assembly
- Generates IPC netlist file
Open the "Plugin and Content Manager" from the KiCad main menu an install the "Fabrication Toolkit" plugin from the selection list.
Download the latest ZIP file from Open the "Plugin and Content Manager" from the KiCads main window and install the ZIP file via "Install from File".
Add an 'MPN'* field with the LCSC component part number to the symbol's fields property.
'mpn' | 'Mpn' | 'MPN' | 'JLC_MPN' | 'LCSC_MPN' | 'LCSC Part #' | 'JLC' | 'LCSC' |
Select 'Exclude from position files' or 'Exclude from BOM' in the symbol's attributes property in order to ignore the footprint from the relevant file.
Benny Megidish