- 3
Ability to resize images in Fototoon
#1551 opened by VishnuVardhanBR - 8
- 3
- 4
Welcome message not displayed in Write activity
#1617 opened by llaske - 12
Missing flag handling in ColorMyWorld
#1603 opened by llaske - 10
[v2] Listview lines spacing/padding is wrong
#1650 opened by llaske - 2
Adding more colour choices to Gridpaint Activity
#1671 opened by Niyatizzz - 4
Improve Visibility of Final Score Display in SprintMath by Changing Font Color
#1668 opened by SnehalSrivastava27 - 3
- 6
Alignment issue in Abacus
#1607 opened by VishnuVardhanBR - 0
Adding to a search bar to Sugarizer Activities page
#1670 opened by Niyatizzz - 4
- 8
- 4
Hover effect over story books
#1665 opened by Monu2114 - 3
- 2
Most Art4apps video are no longer availabe
#1660 opened by llaske - 0
[v2] Hidden reinit feature in settings
#1649 opened by llaske - 5
- 0
[v2] Localization failed in activities in file:/// mode
#1639 opened by llaske - 0
[v2] Missing localization in first screen
#1638 opened by llaske - 1
[v2] Unit testing not compatible with node v18+
#1625 opened by llaske - 1
- 1
Blank screen on iOS when opening a PDF
#1618 opened by llaske - 4
[v2] Password section - Empty Password Works
#1594 opened by Vishalk91-4 - 3
Localization error in FoodChain
#1608 opened by VishnuVardhanBR - 2
Undismissable palletes in Dollar street
#1605 opened by VishnuVardhanBR - 2
Multiple loading notifications
#1606 opened by VishnuVardhanBR - 7
There ought to be a zoom-in and zoom-out button within the "colorMyWorld" activity.
#1593 opened by d1vyanshu-kumar - 2
Gear ~ unexpected ui of Play toolbar icon.
#1600 opened by hharshas - 2
Ability to increase the downward speed of the ball in the Fraction Bounce Activity
#1591 opened by SamarthBagga - 2
Update WebL10n to i18next in tutorials
#1571 opened by VishnuVardhanBR - 1
[v2] Activities poup has unwished empty section
#1588 opened by llaske - 4
Fotoon globe also get deleted with the deletion of image
#1597 opened by hharshas - 2
- 1
Undeletable text in FotoToon
#1549 opened by VishnuVardhanBR - 2
In Tank Operation the defeat music persists even after returning to a previous screen.
#1553 opened by d1vyanshu-kumar - 4
Blockrain ~ Game can start before pressing play button
#1563 opened by hharshas - 1
[v2] Button alignment issue
#1574 opened by Vishalk91-4 - 2
- 2
Moon Activity: fix css in chrome mobile version
#1576 opened by Thund3rHawk - 2
Set stricter zoom limits to 'Color my world'.
#1572 opened by DarkFalc0n - 2
Clock Activity ~ In set-time-Game mode Improvement
#1570 opened by hharshas - 5
Dismissal of text box in Fototoon
#1550 opened by VishnuVardhanBR - 3
After pausing the tutorial and resuming it, it restarts from the beginning instead of continuing from the section where we left off.
#1557 opened by d1vyanshu-kumar - 1
In the title box, the text overflows the container. We need to either set a character limit or incorporate a slider within the box
#1565 opened by d1vyanshu-kumar - 4
[v2] Language Settings: En cannot be selected
#1546 opened by Vishalk91-4 - 1
- 3
One Block is missing in a 5 * 5 grid
#1554 opened by d1vyanshu-kumar - 4
right Text-Box is not movable or not fill the empty space cause by left one.
#1544 opened by d1vyanshu-kumar - 1
FotoToon enhancements
#1545 opened by VishnuVardhanBR