
An ArgoCD plugin to retrieve secrets from Hashicorp Vault and inject them into Kubernetes secrets

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An Argo CD plugin to retrieve secrets from Hashicorp Vault and inject them into Kubernetes secrets

Table of Contents


Why use this plugin?

This plugin is aimed at helping to solve the issue of secret management with GitOps and Argo CD. We wanted to find a simple way to utilize Vault without having to rely on an operator or custom resource definition. This plugin can be used not just for secrets but also for deployments, configMaps or any other Kubernetes resource.

How it works

The argocd-vault-plugin works by taking a directory of yaml files that have been templated out using the pattern of <placeholder> where you would want a value from Vault to go. The inside of the <> would be the actual key in Vault.

An annotation can be used to specify exactly where the plugin should look for the vault values. The annotation needs to be in the format avp.kubernetes.io/path: "path/to/secret".

For example, if you have a secret with the key password-vault-key that you would want to pull from vault, you might have a yaml that looks something like the below code. In this yaml, the plugin will pull the value of path/to/secret/password-vault-key and inject it into the secret yaml.

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: example-secret
    avp.kubernetes.io/path: "path/to/secret"
type: Opaque
  password: <password-vault-key>

And then once the plugin is done doing the substitutions, it outputs the yaml to standard out to then be applied by Argo CD. The resulting yaml would look like:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: example-secret
    avp.kubernetes.io/path: "path/to/secret"
type: Opaque
  password: cGFzc3dvcmQK # The Value from the key password-vault-key in vault

The plugin also supports putting the path directly within the placeholder. The format must be <path:path/to/secret#key>, where path/to/secret is the vault path and the Vault key goes after the # symbol. Doing this does not require an avp.kubernetes.io/path annotation and will override any avp.kubernetes.io/path annotation that is set. For example:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: example-secret
type: Opaque
  password: <path:path/to/secret#password-vault-key>

The plugin tries to be helpful and will ignore strings in the format <string> if the avp.kubernetes.io/path annotation is missing, and only consider strings in the format <path:/path/to/secret#key> as placeholders. This can be very useful when using AVP with YAML that uses <string>'s for other purposes, for example in CRD's with usage information:

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
apiVersion: v1
  name: some-crd

  # Notice, no `avp.kuberenetes.io/path` annotation here
  annotations: {}
type: Opaque

  # So, <KEY> is NOT a placeholder
  description: 'Selects a field of
    the pod: supports metadata.name,
    metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels[''<KEY>'']`,
    spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName,
    status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.'

  # But, THIS is still a placeholder
  some-credential: <path:somewhere/in/my/vault#credential>

In addition to the default behavior, the plugin will attempt to decode base64 encoded strings in Secrets to look for placeholders. If a placeholder is found, it is replaced and the resulting string is re-base64 encoded. In most cases it is not necessary to use the base64encode modifier in this scenario. In the following example the plugin will decode the POSTGRES_URL value, find the template postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>?sslmode=require, and base64 encode it after replacement.

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: example-secret
    avp.kubernetes.io/path: "path/to/secret"
type: Opaque
  POSTGRES_URL: cG9zdGdyZXM6Ly88dXNlcm5hbWU+OjxwYXNzd29yZD5APGhvc3Q+Ojxwb3J0Pi88ZGF0YWJhc2U+P3NzbG1vZGU9cmVxdWlyZQ==

Finally, the plugin will ignore any given YAML file outright with the avp.kubernetes.io/ignore annotation set to "true":

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
apiVersion: v1
  name: some-crd

  # Notice, `avp.kuberenetes.io/ignore` annotation is set
    avp.kuberenetes.io/ignore: "true"
type: Opaque

  # So, <KEY> is NOT a placeholder
  description: 'Selects a field of
    the pod: supports metadata.name,
    metadata.namespace, `metadata.labels[''<KEY>'']`,
    spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName,
    status.hostIP, status.podIP, status.podIPs.'

  # Neither is this
  some-credential: <path:somewhere/in/my/vault#credential

By default the plugin does not perform any transformation of the secrets in transit. So if you have plain text secrets in Vault, you will need to use the stringData field and if you have a base64 encoded secret in Vault, you will need to use the data field according to the Kubernetes documentation.

However, as of now, we support one modifier. And that is base64encode. So if you have a plain text value in Vault and would like to Base64 encode it on the fly to inject into a Kubernetes secret you can do:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: example-secret
type: Opaque
  password: <path:path/to/secret#password-vault-key | base64encode>

And the plugin will pull the value from Vault, Base64 encode the value and then inject it into the placeholder.


There are multiple ways to download and install argocd-vault-plugin depending on your use case.

curl command

Use curl or wget to download the binary from Github and then move the binary to /usr/local/bin or another directory that is in you PATH

curl -L -o argocd-vault-plugin https://github.com/IBM/argocd-vault-plugin/releases/download/{version}/argocd-vault-plugin_{version}_{linux|darwin}_amd64

chmod +x argocd-vault-plugin

mv argocd-vault-plugin /usr/local/bin

Installing in Argo CD

In order to use the plugin in Argo CD you can add it to your Argo CD instance as a volume mount or build your own Argo CD image.

The Argo CD docs provide information on how to get started https://argoproj.github.io/argo-cd/operator-manual/custom_tools/.

Note: We have provided a Kustomize app that will install Argo CD and configure the plugin here.


The first technique is to use an init container and a volumeMount to copy a different version of a tool into the repo-server container.

- name: argocd-repo-server
  - name: custom-tools
    mountPath: /usr/local/bin/argocd-vault-plugin
    subPath: argocd-vault-plugin
    - secretRef:
        name: argocd-vault-plugin-credentials
- name: custom-tools
  emptyDir: {}
- name: download-tools
  image: alpine:3.8
  command: [sh, -c]
    - >-
      wget -O argocd-vault-plugin
      https://github.com/IBM/argocd-vault-plugin/releases/download/v1.1.0/argocd-vault-plugin_1.1.0_linux_amd64 &&
      chmod +x argocd-vault-plugin &&
      mv argocd-vault-plugin /custom-tools/
    - mountPath: /custom-tools
      name: custom-tools
Custom Image

The following example builds an entirely customized repo-server from a Dockerfile, installing extra dependencies that may be needed for generating manifests.

FROM argoproj/argocd:latest

# Switch to root for the ability to perform install
USER root

# Install tools needed for your repo-server to retrieve & decrypt secrets, render manifests
# (e.g. curl, awscli, gpg, sops)
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y \
        curl \
        awscli \
        gpg && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

# Install the AVP plugin (as root so we can copy to /usr/local/bin)
RUN curl -L -o argocd-vault-plugin https://github.com/IBM/argocd-vault-plugin/releases/download/v1.1.0/argocd-vault-plugin_1.1.0_linux_amd64
RUN chmod +x argocd-vault-plugin
RUN mv argocd-vault-plugin /usr/local/bin

# Switch back to non-root user
USER argocd

After making the plugin available, you must then register the plugin, documentation can be found at https://argoproj.github.io/argo-cd/user-guide/config-management-plugins/#plugins on how to do that.

For this plugin, you would add this:

  configManagementPlugins: |-
    - name: argocd-vault-plugin
        command: ["argocd-vault-plugin"]
        args: ["generate", "./"]

If you want to use Helm along with argocd-vault-plugin add:

configManagementPlugins: |
  - name: argocd-vault-plugin-helm
      command: [sh, -c]
      args: ["helm dependency build"]
      command: ["sh", "-c"]
      args: ["helm template . > all.yaml && argocd-vault-plugin generate all.yaml"]

Or if you are using Kustomize:

configManagementPlugins: |
  - name: argocd-vault-plugin-kustomize
      command: ["sh", "-c"]
      args: ["kustomize build . > all.yaml && argocd-vault-plugin generate all.yaml"]

to the argocd-cm configMap.

Using the Plugin

Command Line

The plugin can be used via the command line or any shell script. Since the plugin outputs yaml to standard out, you can run the generate command and pipe the output to kubectl.

argocd-vault-plugin generate ./ | kubectl apply -f -

This will pull the values from Vault, replace the placeholders and then apply the yamls to whatever kubernetes cluster you are connected to.

You can also read from stdin like so:

cat example.yaml | argocd-vault-plugin generate - | kubectl apply -f -

Argo CD

Before using the plugin in Argo CD you must follow the steps to install the plugin to your Argo CD instance. Once the plugin is installed, you can use it 3 ways.

  1. Select your plugin via the UI by selecting New App and then changing Directory at the bottom of the form to be argocd-vault-plugin.

  2. Apply a Argo CD Application yaml that has argocd-vault-plugin as the plugin.

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
  name: your-application-name
    name: ''
    namespace: default
    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
    path: .
      name: argocd-vault-plugin
    repoURL: http://your-repo/
    targetRevision: HEAD
  project: default
  1. Or you can pass the config-management-plugin flag to the Argo CD CLI app create command:
    argocd app create you-app-name --config-management-plugin argocd-vault-plugin


As of today argocd-vault-plugin supports HashiCorp Vault and IBM Cloud Secret Manager as backends.

HashiCorp Vault

We support AppRole and Github Auth Method for getting secrets from Vault.

AppRole Authentication

For AppRole Authentication, these are the required parameters:

VAULT_ADDR: Your HashiCorp Vault Address
AVP_TYPE: vault
AVP_AUTH_TYPE: approle
AVP_ROLE_ID: Your AppRole Role ID
AVP_SECRET_ID: Your AppRole Secret ID
Github Authentication

For Github Authentication, these are the required parameters:

VAULT_ADDR: Your HashiCorp Vault Address
AVP_TYPE: vault
AVP_GITHUB_TOKEN: Your Github Personal Access Token
Kubernetes Authentication

In order to use Kubernetes Authentication a couple of things are required.

  1. Configuring Argo CD You can either use your own Service Account or the default Argo CD service account. To use the default Argo CD service account all you need to do is set automountServiceAccountToken to true in the argocd-repo-server.

    kind: Deployment
    apiVersion: apps/v1
      name: argocd-repo-server
          automountServiceAccountToken: true

    This will put the Service Account token in the default path of /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token.

    If you want to use your own Service Account, you would first create the Service Account. kubectl create serviceaccount your-service-account.

    Note: The service account that you use must have access to the Kubernetes TokenReview API. You can find the Vault documentation on configuring Kubernetes here.

    And then you will update the argocd-repo-server to use that service account.

    kind: Deployment
    apiVersion: apps/v1
      name: argocd-repo-server
          serviceAccount: your-service-account
          automountServiceAccountToken: true
  2. Configuring Kubernetes
    Use the /config endpoint to configure Vault to talk to Kubernetes. Use kubectl cluster-info to validate the Kubernetes host address and TCP port. For the list of available configuration options, please see the API documentation.

    $ vault write auth/kubernetes/config \
        token_reviewer_jwt="<your service account JWT>" \
        kubernetes_host=<your TCP port or blank for 443> \

    And then create a named role:

    vault write auth/kubernetes/role/argocd \
        bound_service_account_names=your-service-account \
        bound_service_account_namespaces=argocd \
        policies=argocd \

    This role authorizes the "vault-auth" service account in the default namespace and it gives it the default policy.

    You can find the full documentation on configuring Kubernetes Authentication Here.

Once Argo CD and Kubernetes are configured, you can then set the required environment variables for the plugin:

VAULT_ADDR: Your HashiCorp Vault Address
AVP_TYPE: vault
AVP_K8S_MOUNT_PATH: Mount Path of your kubernetes Auth (optional)
AVP_K8S_ROLE: Your Kuberetes Auth Role
AVP_K8S_TOKEN_PATH: Path to JWT (optional)

IBM Cloud Secrets Manager

For IBM Cloud Secret Manager we only support using IAM authentication at this time.

IAM Authentication

For IAM Authentication, these are the required parameters:

VAULT_ADDR: Your IBM Cloud Secret Manager Endpoint
AVP_TYPE: ibmsecretsmanager

AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Authentication

These are the required parameters parameters for AWS:

AVP_TYPE: awssecretsmanager
AWS_REGION: Your AWS Region (Optional: defaults to us-east-2)


There are 3 different ways that parameters can be passed along to argocd-vault-plugin.

Kubernetes Secret

You can define a Secret in the argocd namespace of your Argo CD cluster with the Vault configuration. The keys of the secret's data/stringData should be the exact names given above, case-sensitive:

apiVersion: v1
  AVP_TYPE: Zm9v
kind: Secret
  name: vault-configuration
  namespace: argocd
type: Opaque

You can use it like this: argocd-vault-plugin generate /some/path -s vault-configuration. Note: this requires the argocd-repo-server to have a service account token mounted in the standard location.

Configuration File

The configuration can be given in a file reachable from the plugin, in any Viper supported format (YAML, JSON, etc.). The keys must match the same names used in the the Kubernetes secret:

VAULT_ADDR: http://vault
AVP_TYPE: vault

You can use it like this: argocd-vault-plugin generate /some/path -c /path/to/config/file.yaml. This can be useful for use-cases not involving Argo CD.

Environment Variables

The configuration can be set via environment variables, where each key is prefixed by AVP_:

AVP_TYPE=vault # corresponds to TYPE key

Make sure that these environment variables are available to the plugin when running it, whether that is in Argo CD or as a CLI tool. Note that any set environment variables take precedence over configuration pulled from a Kubernetes Secret or a file.

Full List of Supported Parameters

We support all Vault Environment Variables listed here as well as:

Name Description Notes
AVP_TYPE The type of Vault backend Supported values: vault, ibmsecretsmanager and awssecretsmanager
AVP_KV_VERSION The vault secret engine Supported values: 1 and 2 (defaults to 2). KV_VERSION will be ignored if the avp.kubernetes.io/kv-version annotation is present in a YAML resource.
AVP_AUTH_TYPE The type of authentication Supported values: vault: approle, github, k8s ibmsecretsmanager: iam
AVP_GITHUB_TOKEN Github token Required with AUTH_TYPE of github
AVP_ROLE_ID Vault AppRole Role_ID Required with AUTH_TYPE of approle
AVP_SECRET_ID Vault AppRole Secret_ID Required with AUTH_TYPE of approle
AVP_K8S_MOUNT_PATH Kuberentes Auth Mount PATH Optional for AUTH_TYPE of k8s defaults to auth/kubernetes
AVP_K8S_ROLE Kuberentes Auth Role Required with AUTH_TYPE of k8s
AVP_K8S_TOKEN_PATH Path to JWT for Kubernetes Auth Optional for AUTH_TYPE of k8s defaults to /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
AVP_IBM_API_KEY IBM Cloud IAM API Key Required with TYPE of ibmsecretsmanager and AUTH_TYPE of iam
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS Access Key ID Required with TYPE of awssecretsmanager
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS Secret Access Key Required with TYPE of awssecretsmanager
AWS_REGION AWS Secrets Manager Region Only valid with TYPE awssecretsmanager

Full List of Supported Annotation

We support several different annotations that can be used inside a kubernetes resource. These annotations will override any corresponding configuration set via Environment Variable or Configuration File.

Annotation Description
avp.kubernetes.io/path Path to the Vault Secret
avp.kubernetes.io/ignore Boolean to tell the plugin whether or not to process the file. Invalid values translate to false
avp.kubernetes.io/kv-version Version of the KV Secret Engine

0.x to 1.x Migration Guide

Annotation Changes

In order to follow Kubernetes annotations, we have updated the supported annotations

Old New
avp_path avp.kubernetes.io/path
avp_ignore avp.kubernetes.io/ignore
kv_version avp.kubernetes.io/kv-version

AVP Prefix

The AVP prefix is now required for all configurations options not including VAULT environment variables (https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/commands#environment-variables).


The PATH_PREFIX environment variable has now been removed and is no longer available.

secretmanager is now ibmsecretsmanager

With the addition of awssecretsmanager we have renamed secretmanager to be ibmsecretsmanager to follow a more consistent naming convention.


  • The plugin tries to cache the Vault token obtained from logging into Vault on the argocd-repo-server's container's disk, at ~/.avp/config.json for the duration of the token's lifetime. This of course requires that the container user is able to write to that path. Some environments, like Openshift 4, will force a random user for containers to run with; therefore this feature will not work, and the plugin will attempt to login to Vault on every run. This can be fixed by ensuring the argocd-repo-server's container runs with the user argocd.


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