
Example code and simulated data for a mathematical modeling class. Jupyter Notebooks / Matlab / Python formats included.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Example code and simulated data for a mathematical modeling class.

Includes topics:

  • Curve Fitting (plotting, polyfit, transformed least squares, lsqcurvefit/curve_fit)
  • Gradient Ascent/Descent Optimization in 1D & 2D
  • Simulating Randomness: a fair or unfair coin/die, normal and exponential distributions
  • Monte Carlo Simulations (several)
  • Markov Chains
  • Iterating a Difference Equation
  • Euler's Method and ode45/solve_ivp: implementation, direct comparison

Code Formats:

  • Matlab (.m files)
  • Python / Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb files)
  • Python (.py files)

These sets are not 100% complete but the .m and .ipynb formats each cover most of the topic list above.

Synthetic example datasets are given in .mat or .csv file format.