
Creator plugin to support C++& Lua in cocos2d-x

Primary LanguageC++

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Creator support for Cocos2d-x


  • cocos2d-x: v3.14+
  • Cocos Creator: v1.4+


Given that Creator uses a component based model to create its objects, and cocos2d-x has its monolithic structure, it is only possible to support a limited subset of Creator features.

Supported nodes:

  • Scene
  • Sprite
  • Canvas (but only one per scene)
  • ScrollView
  • Label
  • EditBox
  • ParticleSystem
  • TiledMap
  • Button
  • ProgressBar (experimental support: unfinished)
  • RichText (experimental support: unfinished)
  • SpineSkeleton

Animations and other nodes are planned.

Supporting JavaScript scripts would be overkill. If you need JavaScript scripting support, just use Creator.

How to generate the needed files

  • download and install Cocos Creator
  • use Cocos Creator to open creator_project
  • click Project -> LuaCPP Support -> Setup Target Project
  • fill in Project Path, it is a c++ or lua project created by cocos2d-x(3.14+) console
  • click Build

You will find:

  • all needed source codes are generated into NATIVE_PROJECT_ROOT/Classes/reader(it is NATIVE_PROJECT_ROOT/frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/reader for lua project)
  • all needed resources are generated into NATIVE_PROJECT_ROOT/Resources/creator(it is NATIVE_PROJECT_ROOT/frameworks/runtime-src/Resources/creator for lua project)

Using it from C++

// mygame.cpp

#include "reader/CreatorReader.h"

void some_function()
    creator::CreatorReader* reader = creator::CreatorReader::createWithFilename("creator/CreatorSprites.ccreator");

    // will create the needed spritesheets + design resolution

    // get the scene graph
    Scene* scene = reader->getSceneGraph();

    // ...and use it

A working example can be found here:

Just run "cpp-tests" and select "CreatorTest"

Using it from lua

Register creator binding codes in c++

#include "reader/CreatorReaderBinding.h"



Use in lua

local creatorReader = cc.CreatorReader:createWithFilename('creator/CreatorSprites.ccreator')
local scene = creatorReader:getSceneGraph()

Use the plugin in your Cocos Creator project

Currently, the plugin is not completed enough, so we don't put it into Cocos Creator plugin store. But you can copy creator_project/packages/creator_luacpp_support into Cocos Creator project/packages, then you will see the plugin in Project -> LuaCPP Support.