
This project is inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game, which was the first FPS ever.

Primary LanguageC



My first RayCaster with miniLibX

This project is inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game, which was the first FPS ever.
It will enable you to explore ray-casting.

Graded "Outstanding" project with bonus, multithreading, dangerously cute penguins, crocs, tasty animations and sounds, complex gameplay and homemade textures.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Masterfull ! Storytelling at its finest with a breathtaking end." - bestgame.com

English Subject | Sujet en Francais


Table of contents

Quick start

My first big project as I was learning basics of programmation and C. Lot's of fun !

Cub3D with bonus :

  • skybox

  • multithreading

  • numerous sprites

  • FPS count

  • jump

  • look up and down

  • (duck) sounds

  • great taste animations 🔥

  • killer crocs 🐊

  • homemade textures made with photoshop, my personnal right crocs and my swolo buffed arm 💪

  • dangerously cute penguin 🐧

  • the great penguin tower is watching you ! 👀

  • doors

  • Borat ?!?

  • Jurassic Park flute

  • (...)

  • Clone repo :

    git clone https://github.com/llecoq/Cub3d.git
  • Get inside the root of the directory :

    cd Cub3d
  • Compile mandatory + bonus part

  • Force clean

    make fclean

To run the game, choose the path to a map : ./Cub3D assets/maps/map.cub

Tweak the parameters to make your own personalized map:

C - celling color in RGB
F - floor color in RGB
R - screen resolution in pixels
SO - south wall texture path
WE - west wall texture path
EA - east wall texture path
NO - north wall texture path
S - sprite texture path

Inside the game :

w - move forward
a - move left
d - move right
s - move backward
spacebar - jump
keyboard arrows - look around 
left ctrl - get down and be slow
0 - penguins are gonna try to kill you, give them a taste of your crocs medicine !
e - that giant penguin-eye-tower is invading your private life, what a stalker... Make it BOOOM !
alt - open doors
print scr - capture an in-game bmp screenshot


What's included

├── Makefile
├── assets
│   ├── en.subject.pdf
│   ├── final grade.png
│   ├── fr.subject.pdf
│   ├── maps
│   │   └── [... epic maps ...]
│   ├── sound
│   │   ├── [... great taste sounds ...]
│   │   └── quack.mp3
│   └── xpm
│       ├── [... homemade textures ...]
│       └── wood.XPM
├── in_game_screenshot.bmp
├── includes
│   ├── cub3d.h
│   ├── minilibx
│   │   └── [... graphic library ...]
│   └── struct.h
├── libft
│   ├── [...]
│   └── libft.h
├── mlx
│   └── libmlx.dylib
└── srcs
    ├── commands
    │   └── [... get your feet moving ...]
    ├── graphic
    │   ├── [... kill them bad boys ...]
    │   └── ray_casting.c
    ├── main.c
    ├── parsing
    │   └── [... boring stuff ...]
    └── utils
        └── [... more boring stuff ...]

u ded

