
Our work as the Verboten Team from Ecole 42 Lyon with Grosendo and Abonnel as first year students

Primary LanguageC

Hack the bias


Hack_the_bias Hackathon was held by Codam coding college on March 5th 2021.
It's purpose was to parse a set of data to find some potential bias that could affect the wage (or anything else) of a selected dev population.
This was our team solution to the topic, coded in C.

Table of contents

Quick start

/!\ REPLACE info.csv with your data set /!\

Compile :

gcc -Ignl -Ilibft gnl/.c libft/.c parser/* *.c hackaton.h -g3 -fsanitize=address

Execute only with countries :

./a.out info.csv C

Execute with countries and devtype:

./a.out info.csv D

Execute with countries and experience:

./a.out info.csv X

Execute with countries, experience and devtype:

./a.out info.csv E

What's included

├── README.md
├── assets
│   └── 42.jpeg
├── find_countries.c
├── gnl
│   ├── free_split.c
│   ├── get_next_line.c
│   ├── get_next_line.h
│   └── get_next_line_utils.c
├── hackaton.h
├── key_finder.c
├── libft
│   └── [... personnal C library ...]
├── main.c
├── median_salary.c
├── parser
│   └── parser.c
└── print_data.c



