Step1: Clone this project to your computer:
Step2: Open Powershell to locate the folder where the script is.
For Windows, you can open Powershell directly.
For Mac, you need to install Powershell first, please refer to this doc for installation:
Step3: Run .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email {yourTestEmailAddress}
For example: .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email ""
You can also run the command with additional params like this:
.\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email {yourTestEmailAddress} -Hybrid
will call the EXO AutoDiscover endpoint additonally.
For example:
.\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email "" -Hybrid
.\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email {yourTestEmailAddress} -CustomAutoD {theHostnameOfCustomAutoDiscover}
-CustomAutoD {theHostnameOfCustomAutoDiscover}
allows you specificing the custom OnPrem AutoDiscover Hostname.
For example: .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email "" -CustomAutoD ""
allows you to call the EXO AutoDiscoverV2 endpoint alone.
For example: .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email "" -TestEXOAutoDV2
allows you to call the On-Prem AutoDiscoverV2 endpoint alone.
For example: .\Test-AutoDetect.ps1 -Email "" -TestOnPremAutoDV2